Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Transforming Lives with Cameara Jargonsxx
The triple X rated artistic genius movie Transformers is
another page in time of portals and camera trixxtilts and joker cards galores
of cakey Alice in tea party wonderland down the key hole shared worlds of unity
between the machine and the human world.
The harlequins of this world will enjoy the out of the box
Jack not in the box antiquities Not at All game of lights and shadowy editing
completing this film of productive genie in the lamp of light and light within
shades of non shady artistic colourful robotic and technical splashes of
electrons exploding and imploding your senses on and off screeningsz,
No sleep or zzleep during this movie promise!
Tilting you without a camera from Alice to Mad hHatters of
good intentions of uniting the world of science and humanity of genetic pools
Toning it down Plume pluming back at ya for the sakes of all
types of readers of creative genius reading of knowledge of all things beauteous
including the editing, camera work, colourful settings, quick exploimplore you
to explore this amaxing XzX film of the year Ye Allsxz
Sunday, 11 June 2017
Portals of Trust by John MalkoVicho2? you too baby M? why o WHY?/
How portalic is your Mummy or mom? MR you know who you are you too..
IE: THE mumma e tutu non fruity or elves the children suffer
much and DOMINO effectively not so great for Y or X chemistry or not as the
cases may be or bay Be..
The latest Mummy movie is full like Pirates of Santa Fay no
SatanisticVersus but love of some actors’ drug of jealousy of life of others
No dogs of woof woof allowed in the life of the faithful
loafs of prophetic blood relatives of famiglia forever peoples of the world.
Moms united airlines to fly over you all and tab sheer the
word of truth and trust and away from the fictitious life of criminal minds of
the behind the scenes certain actors who [partake in the black magic called not
LOVE but promiscuous jealous spreading of venoms.
All in all, the action scenes were reminiscent of Pirates in
the sense of atmosphere and guilt ridden drugged up looks of the rich and
famous but not the magic of movie making no more. IE: is this Hollywood wives
tales about jealousy and corruption behind the scenes of move productions or is
is it should it be mMummy I mean about the movie making magic of the old days of
sensuary powers of the big screen and the elementals of love, earth, water,
genetic imprint of Adam to EVE?
WHere are ye alld stories of Magic/ mayhem? fiction< and digi effects withIN An atmosphere of kings and quueenieess without the darkness of evil withinhunna the womens especiallyeccept on screnneen?>where the good VS eveil is fun but not harmfully yours tryme baby truly RANdushpluming it owlver and outbabies love ye All..
Thursday, 8 June 2017
JUgglerixxlerizledrizledeasealnotaweazelarewho?>unriddlemethatoranalysethis<,oneoff or 2!
The PI-rate Ship takes offf to a great grrrreat tiger lilly
start in the sequel of sequels this year
of Hollywood nor HOllyrood’s Purates Pilates Pirates of the Carribes- no magic
involved in life but in the movie making business babies G and A to Zzzzz.
Tired or not so far? Tine to TUmer not and tune IN and not of the bank accounts
of thee and she and heee not he he at all eee..
Not a boring filmic production at all but a scenic
Productiones involding onvolves of on sceneic non voldermoltic volcanic
artisitic movies or moves as the cases of aces Johnny non Benny or lady D may
Ben and Jerry’s ice ream is served ye peoples of the lady D
world of fairness wheterbies in England or the UK or the USK may be K K or what
Benny Jeery Jerry D?
Volcano style Roman empire editing theatricals as is found
in te he he many more to be frpduced froppy frilly directors’ cyts of the cuts
of cystic fibrosis off the channel of Hollywood lives as this movie needs
binning because it has finally succomnbed to the age old adage of magic versus
if you see if backwords…really guys? Were//? are you serious producers in
thinking to hypnotise us with the magical world of pirate ships and cut slcose
up effects close up Rinarific terrific horriccup horrific old age pretence of
black magic ye ALL?? NO magic but lovemumbas of Zworkd worldunited unit of 1…
B2: Well apart from the magician’s tricks of editing and
artistic genius shots of elements in the upside down world of movie making of
Crrarribeans of the Creabeans Crib steeling innocence of the ages through awful
vampirical scenes of love making but not of making lovesrs love you any less
through the senses of elementals of fire ewater warter Mathews is not Walberg
of course in Vegas or is he/: thourhg an exchangeof contracts of darkness and
eveil doings though Rrrr: the intermissions of missions of attacking their evid
advil avil evil doings thorugh writing of 3 books not1?
Apparently the medum medium not so much but closeupoftruth
shot in the heart filmic shots are not as far awe as awaythsap as evidently at
frist contrivedyeall ye all merry yule tidings and joy but not till the the end
of hte reversed film of joy not hatred of J Depp’s belief in goodness of the
settgin and atmospheric water big shipshi[opor on horror hprpr hororores not Dolores
nor AUrores neither baby Arirearora love you to nits bitstoo moivie goiers
likie iomoianametoommmmouaaaAa not wawa co s S no Wawawa in book3 of my
thrilogy of love and marriage or whatwhotyeAwroreearly hour of no sloeep like
me tooes and toes and twos and threes: hpw are the tikes of tiked by the way no
humour or tooo petit p in HOW too owlng your way soom owlover and olpume outies
and innies tooSxcv..
Monday, 5 June 2017
Seen it Done it But never tyre tired of O2 the muscial to my AER KAnotMystere ious nor the others nt bud and but the best show in town after pirates shop ship treasure isalnd, Pirates revisings coming up Next after this::::
EAUcrobaticsofgeneticimprintingwithyoutoomarvellousMARVELSofDCpeoplsofZZZworldoflackof sleppdeppth of sleep you too Johny DEPP not MAlcovithc wrk with you yettybut the gentlemanmight becasues??<
EAUcrobaticsofgeneticimprintingwithyoutoomarvellousMARVELSofDCpeoplsofZZZworldoflackof sleppdeppth of sleep you too Johny DEPP not MAlcovithc wrk with you yettybut the gentlemanmight becasues??<
Santana BlueMan or not as the Crisss Angel people may be
Three reviews in one because of the VegBegasylestyl love of
mony of not any chow shoe seen in the Las of the Last Mohicans of cityes
YegaD)( open brackets and open arms at Vegasity shows of glorified Bellagio
Eyed you there baby M tooKLJHGFYTRE: wy so ghloomie babyM>?< open parenthesis
was it Santana’s talent on the drums and guitarists too or the solo blue man
group individual but gropu justieec metaphoricalhug hgu on uggies not uglies at
all stages of BEG Bifg Vegas
---beefy style Criss is not an Class act ecvept for
his ldies in wAiting: spot the missing links or cufflinks here too!!....
RHeroic Gglorious colou0rs of blues and jazz linkning the
group to the trios on sanat secret SantanNA stages of development in Criss
Angel’s junglling disapparition act s too..

Superman style wonder years woman and what a WOMAN she is
too;;; The whole wonder
genre: has overtaken Holywood by non
surprise endings once again and again!
The difference being that Wonder woman’s latest film
empowers us other women too?/ L missing above on purpose becaseu?/?/the loveingwords of L..,
Slahs/slash splahs ie: the lady splashes and oozes
confidence on stage acting guilty not conscience as she is guiltless of
anything nothing at all at all except xxx security and love lov luuv>
Thw consumer constumes of lettering jubles jumbles is not
confused at all either about the good money going into the movie nor about the
mediocre yet sweetly scented clean minded casting and cas t.. By that I mean no
linear seperatuoun between the separate minds of the actors in terms of
Joining and not line splitting their lines of emotionality
nor the rest of the above see linear line idea abovesss@ no jealousy queens or
kings neither eitherssss@ etss ets etcc etc
Insert your aritistc ideas and endeavours of flavourlisiouc
delicious artistic creaticity here electiric weather or whatsaplightbulbs
londonerscity emotional consciousnescs people po the world.<
Toning it down in terms of my wiritings jargons and puns and
jumbles up for you tooss too to decide which decicision incision or debiting
editing your accounts is a better option for yousscc all in terms of ibs past
and present judgement of outside the cinema paymentsscc toocc.
Harlequin Owling owling it overtoyouscxvover and outyx
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