Monday, 21 August 2017

Atomic disaster cahos of an angry movie of aggressive Charlie Chang production please take it out elsewhere your lovely aggressive chang tang?

Please only watch atomic tower movie for special effects of family fun at the moving dynamics of digital flowing disaster no way khoze of a movie.>

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Image result for emoji movie


Time OUt for You and Me and Io and Tuyouvou TUs🔺⧪⬉⥥

Emogination Nationor fEmotional Emojis who bounce around the MatricE Jf discJgraphic genius within this production which mesmerises the senses:: all 6 senses: including the 5th sense of INstInct Inprint and Impriscompris?oupas;))(
How about those snide smileys Missrs Smiley Queen of Sheeba who ruKles but not k rules{ the rules are out for Lunch{ because she has no club?!! @clueless as she apostrophises the rules within the boxes of MogoZ no Zzzz here for suresZx- thatwhich you are trapped within -the phone- of a- loved one’s eyes and cannot delete your feelings so you rush to delete the capsules within the chord of just communication? Capsicum et j’est ‘comprise que’ the characters within the boxes jump around from bouncy plot to deleted nations of old style MOgis how’s your MOJI :) ;) J to find their way back to comprehending straight away character traits of one another and to understanding the keyS to successful mixed living..>with>out< jalousieaBut etc>.. Green widout Envy fir mist of nousJ

wWatch out owlies wise owls_for the ending-_ within- the splash of (boom) boomEmogi boom  ?will it all be del0ted whatsap style nations@r will he find love once more? No repetition of intent for the lover boy old blu or old brown eyes or bettAstill’repet’ted’repertoire with and in the non standard graphic design digi style discographic coolour)pronounced( baby style cooler colour scheme of EMogi ProductionXtion stylies filmographic genius/ love you all back at YA tooes and not threes @ but individual Emojis rule our lives they Rock our worlds too.. 

Saturday, 5 August 2017

SEE ME later ALligator in publishing MODE or etc etc

Image result for harlequin

Captain America or Under the Pants of Just you and me inventors garlore!£%&

Vhildren of the world Vorld unite in this EEinsti+= double entente of a duo of inventors who invent their own head master and put their heads together to make your world upside down smiley emoji faces nect movie up neck to nex in this more than life larger than underpants of a muscle mani Aandadventure against the blue haired monster Ein and zswine noe wine or wining but winning rollercoaster perspective shots movie from dusk till drones novie goers who know no life but for this movie  ENOUGH saidorWAht Disney Linears jargon of emotional genius faces of artisictinstinct drawing droom no doomsday ever facial expressive graphoto designerszz no zzzz in this bigand smaller and life productionin terms of characters loving you back IM BAK!”

BCK atAya imagination nation of harlequins PLZ prettyes see titles above or><

Friday, 4 August 2017

Valore of V for Vivectory and not for Vendetta; vindication of valerians: the value of Pie is V.

How about something new into and within something old?
Style versus Content in Valerian: please see memo of title of Post in the post above!?/ or would you prefer a coffee with that sirs as I write my story three at the same post its times? no paper today thanks PA of justice league because I have so muc
h valor going around me and on: me scriptsures@
the way of our way forwardin g Valerians forward notes about this movie please if you will MAdames>

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Image result for shark imagesV and A style or whot? movie 47 images no WAY meters yeayyyY but what about the review viewersZ?Image result for shark images

Disney Style better Shark attackS august or september movie goers arrrgghhhhhzzzzz but not disney szzzzzeyzzzsle =+-epy headszxcvb as DISNey roCKS vegaStyleEE

Sharks run for your loves because no one loves you movie dormer 47 meters yawns except in the u tube of yours truly of the promo: as it’s the only good thing about this action style sharks attack movie on everyone’s imagination nation because. Because, because because:::@ you wasted my@ money on the VIP VUE it big screen water deep blue and red lovely images of blood to blood attacks of close p mammals teeth with no story but the cage within the ladies who act to save their loves and lives of no life lemon noonday : IE no life in their yes eyes with all due respect lady actresses-++= to this film--- but for the cage of victory against the sharks at the end; they attack you with OK Shuts but orb me Panda but the instead of the zizz not sleepy heads editing ‘is kaki’ and no line of story line at ALL???!£WHY or@£why$%&goodbye for nowieeeeeeee drowning in the drawing room sorrow of nothing good about zips production produczionie but the drawing yams yawns of artistic genius fans shots of ART and or but%$£*

*() no brackets allowed or expected directors of domain domani and burr but NBUT really???<>

Thank you fans yens not yams in the movietheatro of domani for being the loveliest entertainment of artists in this show of no screen show but the water effects of colours blue and red as a rooster of Pomme apple of my eyes;) ye All/?> end phrase nshhhott shoot me one more with fade to black and white inside too^
Image result for shark imageshats off image doersno Zzeeysz heresziney