Monday, 30 July 2018

Which craft is Yous

From witches in anime colour perfect schemes to witches in other schemes;

We find ourselves immersed in "The Littlest Witch' who isn't so little at all in talent or talented who done it witch-crafting:;

She is bewitching and bewitched our littlest witch from her colourful robes of colour and scarf of blue to her incredible raven friend and robotic exteriors,

In other words her littlest cottage in the forest of the pond of woods etc is in fact bewitched by a mechanical singing parrot who mimics and echoes the lovely lovely tunes of the musical scores in this extravagantly vacant in story movie?

And yet the animated mayhem of the littlest witch grandioses her into an Alice in giant Wwonderland of transforming spells. 

She spellbinds our hearts with her chanting and her escapism into her spell book spells and wizardry,
she moves us from scene to spell to rain of glass to freezing snowman spelling his name wrong as he other words every being she meets ends up her beloved snow flake including the charming charmed black cat who belongs to another wickedest witch of them all.

Will she learn all of the spells enough to dance with the circle of witches or will she fail the bento bento spelling test? She fires and snows and winds her way to winning in the end and even manages a pool of frogs and flying book spells as a final before the burning of the witch season as she cooks her seasonal spells and held out the poor little orphans of this world for the greater good.
In other words she bewitches the children's hearts with her loving ways and sprinkles of fairy dust as well as with her love spells galore.

Or where there any love spells and potions at all Mr and Mrs Pitter patter of potter feet???