Monday, 31 December 2018

pop/s/icles and popcorn of pop culture poppin-g-s movies

Image result for alice in wonderland characters images of doorway and key lockImage result for cartoon mary poppinsPoppins Out to the 'film-ic' movies..

Mary is back with her powerful ‘lamb’of an umbrella. 

Her 'lamp' guiding umbrella to success; -so to speak -so to say, as she pops in and out and up and down /mainly of course up and then down/ -in her flights of doing this and saying that…
She doesn’t pop as much as stay put -for the children, in their quest to find the deeds and moneys and papers for the house to stay put -with, and as a part of them and their lives..

From frantic parents to adorable learning children, to Mary and her popping props, and to last but not least, the 'hatted' and enchanting chimney sweeps; with one in particular, sweeping us off our  viewers’ feet… They help with the adventure and quest in order to, to, to: hold on for the finale etc etc:
To stop time; tic tic tic toc..TICKING CLOCK literally -in this particular specific time framed edited case of cases. 

They solve the case in the story line of almost lost but kept (and found before) house of houses.
They find the papers and deeds and stitch them up for the bankers’ needs.
Just in the 'nick' of toc toc time, indeed so -dear viewers-..That's how they keep their house-s..
From the attic, to the doorknobs an' broomsticks, we fly from scene to finders keepers scene..

The set is set for success, not just for Mary as a strong female teacher and healer of the situation at hand, but also for a successful colorful band of musical sequences.

Colours and shapes and sizes of house props included with the awesome music.

Chimneys swept and ready to GO see this movie of movies -in this house of movie houses -so to say etc, so to speak, of this and that old classic story; but with the help of different scenes of modern day acting/s...

Hats on and off and soot-ed faces ‘glued with glee’… Enjoy the 'film-ic' movie.  

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The Aqua Man film is filled with glorious graceful actors and their moving hands and legs and limbs and feet. They step it up with a script of stomping speed and rely on filmic ‘stones of metaphors’ as they journey to retrieve the fork of Neptune’s arm, in order to defeat the many fighting factions.

We follow their adventures under the sand dunes and water falls, of the ‘underworlds’ of layered grounds and splashing waves. The story takes a turn and then another as the hero and his friendly lady discover one another’s power.

The hero is indeed apt at jumping from scene to scenic seeing scene; with his seer and her seeing eyes of blue not green -rays of power. They defeat their foes with ‘shots’ of ablaze, as they move from jump to port; in order to retrieve clues of holographic glows.

They find the messages below the sands and dunes, and underneath the seas of waves of crystal blues inside the Neptunian lairs… From Octopus alien fish look alikes, to alien dark ‘Vedas’, the hero (and the lady) ‘swim in deep waters’ and eventually, eventually, as they are retrieving their clues to the ‘fork of powerful destiny’;

They defeat the many monstrous ways of creatures beneath the earth and sea. And there is so much more to see in this film of the year! From crackling ‘Krakens’, to crashing sassy whales, and to Elfin looking kings and so-called brothers (and queens....)

We even find the fighting scenes in the wavy atmospherics of ships and the ozone layer...

Much more to see as they fight from faction to faction and from monstrous creature interaction to interaction -till they eventually defeat the other ‘forks’ and resume their legacy and ‘Neptunian’ destined ways.

The hero -and his friends- are not as ship wrecked as we once thought in the first scenes of the film and they definitely know their way around the seas...

A hybrid hero and a muggle too! Astray he, aqua man, may seem at first, but he ends up finding his way all the way back home…to his devil’s fork...and his Neptune’s destiny.   

Who is who and who is loyal to who at the end of the day and night?