Friday, 31 May 2019
Dragons Illuminations Styles
'He' stands alone cloaked but not and missing but not and 'he' misses nothing...
Apocalyptic Diary / Day 1 to D-Day?
The latest Monster of a King Kong of a movie is the God of all
Godzilla FBI Imax style can be seen at your viewers leisure
at the cinemas lately.
This latest epic is full of buoyant active Dino juggler
scenes of Jaws dimensions.
The story actions us from scene to fighting scene.
The three headed medusa style amphibian action is set in a
time zone of no time at all and of endless fun locations of and for fighters.
God Axilla is an X man indeed with his robes of ‘greeny’ kales
and ‘calypso’ stylish scales. ‘He’ certainly
does not disappear under any invisibility cloaks that is ‘for-e’ sure and thank
goodness for that too! We love to see Godzilla at the fore of the action axing ‘his’
way to the final scene of safe haven for all it seems.
The medusa with the three heads in one is crashed into a few
times before the demise of its ‘stomachy’ grave grave.
From the emerging depths of waters like a pirate in the moon,
GodZilla jumps out at the screens with a few screams of ‘Aaaghs’ and ‘eeeghs’,
and into the winds of fires above the earths, with his ‘Mordor’ and ‘S’ for ‘Mordor’
too two eyes of sun-drenched focus. Godzilla misses not a thing.
Very Cool Indeed.
A ‘ring’ is not the ‘Lord’ of the movie, Godzilla is -in
this case; i.e., no romance or treasure hunts for rings in the case of this
film, but a true production about the nature of discovering the best ways to
tame the beast or unleash its fury. In order to keep human earth safe and free…is
it best to befriend or be wary of the beast?
The origins of the three headed or of the one headed ‘beasties’:
are in the research of the ‘Alien’ scripts. Unknown sources are discovered, and help
us to find out about the sources of these amazing scaly creatures, and perhaps too about how
to fend them off or be a friend to their 'foe-y' nature!!
See below for a few captivating captions: of clays and crays.
No cray fish nor gargoyles here…though!
Friday, 24 May 2019
Peek a revvine View AT pick of the peak;
A peek at the Pikachu Pokémon world of wonders -movie land
From clip to clip, the film takes us into the ‘alleyways’ of
many memorable film scenes. It doesn’t clone other movies but it does remind
us of a déjà vu good feeling of the joy of the familiar.
‘La joie de vivre’ is evident in this amazing sleuthing production
about detecting one’s past and finding clues about death -amongst a few other
No disappearing rabbits into hats or out of them in this
magical movie land, but rather action scene sequences within settings based on
memorable films such as Jumanji and Jurassic world. The film is also reminiscent
of Star Wars in some ways.
The latter parallels are meant in terms of settings and
characters mostly, rather than in terms of story line.
The costumes and sets are to behold and clinch the pulse to ‘Aladdin’.
Portals are more the magical lamp style.
From the sequential colourful summary above, we move to the
couch of details.
It’s a mesh and pick and mix of rock and roll stages as well
as of New York style talk show couches -in some scenes. In others, it is a ‘park’
of characters rampaging through danger zones, like in the movies mentioned
above. Instead of dinosaurs or zoo animals we find ourselves faced with Pokémon
monsters of various colours and animal looking traits.
They range from blue to pink to all over hexagons of many forms
of rectangular and circular shapes and sizes -for kids of all ages.
Star Wars ‘Chewbacca’ and all, and perhaps even a pink
looking ‘Cheshire’ style Alice cat too! All can be spotted in this ‘Mad Hatter’
party. ‘New Year’s Eve’ hats not included in the price of the amazing movie…
The story takes us from the ‘discovery spirit channel’ to
the channels of clues found through detection of police work/ NYPD style. We open
the files on the X Pokémons and human 'muggles' alike. Our research and viewing
lead us to the bad: the world of possession.
The ‘intruders’ on the Pokémon worlds prefer possessing their
amazing forms and mutating them rather than befriending them. The latter option
of befriending them is what the good team of human and Pokémon heroes opt for…
As it should be: friendly worlds together of two species
living in peace, rather than the distorted world of false ‘hybridation’.
Follow the clues from scene to ‘movie’, to setting to
setting, to character to character, into the ‘costumed’ finale of ‘freedom from
possession’…And freedom from possessiveness….
We have to -as the team of ‘good guys’- defeat the distorted
hybrid beings and free them from their ‘gargoyleish’ prison of stone and ‘Poke-poses’.
We pause to admire the special effects of puffs and smokes
and flying fires. Action scene style water dragons and ghostly whites of misty
images, take us to the end of the 'filmic' production.
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Blankey blankety blank----------------------------------------------------------- in a blink of a bang bang!!
He or She men and women extracts of superhero diaries---
Point by points, by point by points of marvellous actions
etc ----- blank BLANK
no banks in this case of a thriller of a dizzier swirly film of films…------
End game at the avenger’s movie of Avengers: they get old,
but we do not as we are watching and don’t watch the clock of this amazing romp
of a game of thrones of all the marvellous Marvel characters chomping on their
action sequels of film productions.
The Gems in the movie are bank worthy but not monetary
The gemstones are the aim of the crew…I. E: will they find
them and regain their protective powers and find the past and bring the future
to life once more??? The questions are above and below dear readers and dearest
From reds to purple hugs to blowing blues of blues to
yellows and etc: the film takes a turn at the end when the explosive arm of
justice blows the evil cyborgs away from any danger to humanity and to the
Marvellous marvel heroes. The plot line is thus and so now to the crux: chomp
chemo chomping chomps and grumps and gurgling grubs of lack of dumps. In other
words, the plot and story line are not at all sorry but new and not garbage
worthy at all. Excuse the word plays but to this and that:
Surprisingly the heroes all come back to life from portal to
present to past to future portals of alien ships and organic house-s. Mixing
and matching this and that i.e. before and after are all in one -and all at
once all of the above characters -here listed- find their way back to their
homes and back to their future legacies.
The main network of characters revels us with their
multitudes of M and M chocolate coverings of flavours and with their soft
molten centres of melting in your mouths snaky 'snacky' centres. I.E., they move
us from their own centres of powerful intrigue to the centres of their worlds
in one chomping crunchy chomp.
The stones have names to suit their weird and wonderful
counterparts of heroes and heroines. The soul stone and the power stone are not
the only ones…watch it to see the rest of the colours and match the stones with
the characters; and in order to connect the dots of the story lines.
The setting takes us from task to completed task of finding
the stones till the end game of shoot ‘em down and regain the past wisdoms and past
families and friends lost in old battles. The stones will protect the good ones
for ever more and the arm of metallic justice crushes the bad guys in an
awesome all-consuming sequence of explosive fighting scenes.
With the stones in hand all ends well at End Games for
avengers. Not the ‘hunger games’ but close enough except with a few other story
worthy characters in tow.
He mans to hulk man to spider man to a few other wonderous
and wondering heroes and heroines, they don’t find the treasures of wisdom
exactly, but they do stone their way from path to exciting path till they get
their foes down and pin their cyborgs into a plug hole. They win their safety
forevermore!! Good for them and us at this explosive scene of extreme viewing
dear ones!
Thanks, goodness, for the stones and the gems in this movie
of movies...!?
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