Monday, 19 October 2020

Spell on YOU ZAP

 HOcuS ‘Poke Us’; you certainly did PoCUs.

Three Grim witches with the powers to glee and flee and fly us to their heights. They got our full attention for sure and ‘All RIGHT’!

From their toil and trouble to Hollow’s eve; when they almost burn in a fiery ‘stove-y sieve’; BUT DON’T.

‘The college fry up’ so to say and speak, doesn’t fry ‘em after all heEheEHee, they steam their way up and away and down and down into the graveyard shift.

Hollow grounds, super talented zombie ‘clown/s’ and fights galore, as they combat their foes the child prodigies who escape time and time again and are freed as ghosts from their witches’ clutches and horcruxes...

One chair to fry Hansel or Gretel- which will it be next on the crone’s chair I wonder? And one or two or three brooms to fly away and escape… The witches ‘crone’ and enchant us with this song and that on stage, as they whirl and twirl away, and ‘Halloween’ their capes and hats and colourful ‘brats’ into a calamity of many fold-sorts. 

Will the witches win the day, or will the day of DeATh be won by the lively crew of one and two or three -kids that is? So ‘tis three against three with one Zombie!

The events are set around a set of houses and in a college too! Grave digging woods and all... Forest bumps and nightly crumbs -so to metaphor so to say.   

As we know, there is nothing like the tricks and treats of this movie replay. WE NEVER EVER TIRE OF IT AT ALL EVERY DAY -OR YEAR!!!!

Costumes on hurraH hurREy! All at once: as the witches brew their pots and cauldron of green ‘gewy gew’! 

Cackle me this cackle me that -as they sing and dance and fight and fly and wave their wands and pots and pans and hats and that’s all for now till you watch the treat and munch the treats! At the movvviiies make your way there ASAP!!!? 

Friday, 2 October 2020

The Booth of Doom: MAPPED: Gas station provisions to Couch romance to Penthouse garden 'chats'.

 Doctor Who is now an epic adventure of who will save the day. 

Will the music bring back life to those dismayed? 

Theme and Tense: Past Present and Future costume designs, as well as music interludes ranging from Mozart to Hard Rock and Including that Black Magic called: 'Beat'. 

Lemonade Mouth style bands and puffy Dorito snacks star too -outside the couch and inside the penthouses. 

From Bats and Hell raising ghouls and robots to neon lights and dim faded fires: we find our heroes ranging from past to future tenses -within themes of electrifying and death defying sets and settings.

Speaking of: the scenes; they time range from a bridge of swaying dangers to an egg of flying saucers.

Our characters change a few nuances whilst they travel back and forth through time and make new friends and foes. 

Their worst enemy is the new techno style ET phone home to the council. Whilst their best friends join them on stage -inclusive of a monster ghoul with guitar and with room of magic props and t-shirts and 'pages' of talent. 

Welcome to a Virgin Music and Sony experience type movie of all music in one go -whilst we save the world with our two heroes' notes and their families -against all Rogues and 'roguish' odds.



Saturday, 7 March 2020

Staff Quest

Wonder beyond your imagination in the latest Onward Onwards film review…

It’s a slice of pie Americana Caravana in this very vividly colourful film.

A camper’s paradise of a Quest of a movie.

Realms: it starts with the home peanut butter and jam and toasted bread family scenes and goes on to the: diner scene and from there onwards towards the: gas station and so on with one after the other of an indoor and outdoor gorgeously filmed scenario.

Realms: from the indoors to the outdoors: to the hills and mountains, to a passage towards water caves, and to a portal to the porthole/s of the school front yard.

The Quest is propped not only with kitchen utensils and food but with thinking tools and books of quests. The Cards are of the utmost importance to the mapping of the path and labyrinth of this amazing Quest Film.     

Fight scenes with electric blue jet laser beams matching the colours of the rainbows and of the hairstyles of the cool camping boys.

Two main characters with two differing personalities out to find a firestone of yellow gold to bring back their dad to their realm of the living. One boy is shy and imaginative and sensitive and the other is courageous and funny and the opposite in every way…the mom is fair and encouraging. Their common point is their awesome hair colour and unusual style!

The other ‘people’ in the movie are also creature hybrids with pointy ears and additional funny and strange and weirdly loveable parts and colours. We meet the tailed scorpion queen at the diner with her devilish smile and intriguing helpful maps and scrolls. She literally explodes at one point on our screens... Diner setting wow!

The fairies are darkly awful and chase you all over the streets with the tiny teeth.  Wings of flights and fights coming up!

 Meet the silent stone Raven reference point and the Stone clue symbol -in order to find the stone dragon. Will the school dragon win the day, or will the firestone of the Phoenix -found on this coolest quest- win the day and break the spell and bring back dad from the dead? Half a dad isn’t a dad at all even on a camper’s adventure. No boy wants to see trouser legs of blue cauldron bubbles -only- instead of a full head of hair.

Watch out for the sac of glasses too!

Tuesday, 11 February 2020


From Dusk till Dawn we follow the antics of the Harlequin ‘Red Queen of hearts’ in this new epic adventure. It is intense and so is she that’s for sure.
Marvel style batman action with colour from dark dusks to light dawns.
No Batman appearance sadly, and yet no sad faces at all, as we follow the doll faced actress in her quest to get over her break up and stay out of killing fields with the characters at hand.
More afoot in terms of the characters, who are sliced and diced, as they hang in the balance between their crimes and justice. Justice takes the form of a real pragmatic police officer with her boxes of real-life cardboard and dim lit investigations.
She highlights the crimes and hopes for the best. The search is on ‘dimly’ -in other words behind closed doors- but also in the open wilds of the action filled fights and smashes and crashes of the crazy characters in this wonderous film. I guess she does her best and yet…
The scenes are filled with the other hybrid type of characters in the form of colourful beasts and creature hyenas and inanimates alike. They really do take over the movie…Watch out for the hamster gerbil in the bikini style ballet ‘tutu’ and for the studded pink leash-which has a life of its own as well… Ooo la la…they stand out ‘doll face like’ too…
The many colour filled smash hit musical scenes are full of memories of this and that in terms of the, a: diner style ‘Alicia Silverstone*’ movies -no mauls and all in this case, or b: Vegas style famous singers and ace card settings. The third c: is the restaurant type theme; bar like and all. All memories culminate in the burger and eggs sandwich -made or bought at the cereal supermarket. Superball bowl and browsing and brawling and growling.       
From club to jump to cut to cut of faces to change of make up and wardrobe to writing on the legs of the doll faced heroine, we can hardly keep up!
The story crux is a crunchy stone theft. Who ‘dunnit’ and why? Attention seeking for a league of female heroes? or money for a good time at a great place? Will she or he or they do the right thing or not??
Mafia style club boss is watching out for their crazy antic endings too...not just the nice lady cop!
Will the women sort it out and find the stone crystal and how and where and whom?       
Footnote at hand: *Stone of silver and crystal search…. etc…

Stamped Sealed and Delivered.

Image result for images of harlequin

Saturday, 4 January 2020

Stars in their eyes in the latest Star Wars. The stars are as able as ever in this feverishly good active and actioned film. Stars everywhere and inclusive of the stars in the battle skies.
A quest begins: ‘Lea’ and her lineage are after the truth about the old deaths and the power of the triangle and its crystals. Where will they find it, and will they decipher the unscripted old-style dagger of woods and metals with its special inscriptions.
Characters and their powers: the stardom includes a cast of ‘Darth Vader/s’ and white clad fighters on the side of the bad, as well as the brown clad heroes and heroines on the side of good; this includes ‘Chewbacca’ and a few robotic geniuses who change into a slightly blue or golden attire. Guess who?  
Good versus evil: from the good to the bad and then some: the bad guys are not just the scary looking masks of black and red veins but also the scary looking ‘Palpatine’ and his monstrous face and weedy hands: a conglomeration of metals clashes with the other bad guy who wants it all. In his case the evil is made of flesh and blood and gore of zombie like proportions and disgusting black oozie mouth and almost no teeth! He wants the good and the bad powers for himself succubus style!
The powers range from electric lights emanating from the latter succubus ‘Palpatine’, to the lasers found and used in blues and reds -by the darks and the lights. Are there green lasers too, or is it the reflection of the tidal wavy sea we see as well?   
Realms of fights: range from sea to waves to under grounds and under waters to over the stars and beyond the ships.
Specials include special powers of healing flesh to flesh -used by the two: leading lady and guy: a ‘Lea’ and a ‘Snape’. These powers are used in every dimension and with every special effect at its best.
Last but not least: the non-characters and totally outside the box of tricks people are the mini attacking bots robotic style balls and the other non-dragon ball z in other scenes snaky fleshy under water underground huge snake of snakes. Other creatures show up in bars and come and go as they please!
Capes on with every colour imaginable of effects and capes!
Caps on, and white and black capes on, for this terrific caper of capers, in this latest war of stars and in the galaxy of stars.
It all begins with the writing on the wall of the skies.