Monday, 19 October 2020

Spell on YOU ZAP

 HOcuS ‘Poke Us’; you certainly did PoCUs.

Three Grim witches with the powers to glee and flee and fly us to their heights. They got our full attention for sure and ‘All RIGHT’!

From their toil and trouble to Hollow’s eve; when they almost burn in a fiery ‘stove-y sieve’; BUT DON’T.

‘The college fry up’ so to say and speak, doesn’t fry ‘em after all heEheEHee, they steam their way up and away and down and down into the graveyard shift.

Hollow grounds, super talented zombie ‘clown/s’ and fights galore, as they combat their foes the child prodigies who escape time and time again and are freed as ghosts from their witches’ clutches and horcruxes...

One chair to fry Hansel or Gretel- which will it be next on the crone’s chair I wonder? And one or two or three brooms to fly away and escape… The witches ‘crone’ and enchant us with this song and that on stage, as they whirl and twirl away, and ‘Halloween’ their capes and hats and colourful ‘brats’ into a calamity of many fold-sorts. 

Will the witches win the day, or will the day of DeATh be won by the lively crew of one and two or three -kids that is? So ‘tis three against three with one Zombie!

The events are set around a set of houses and in a college too! Grave digging woods and all... Forest bumps and nightly crumbs -so to metaphor so to say.   

As we know, there is nothing like the tricks and treats of this movie replay. WE NEVER EVER TIRE OF IT AT ALL EVERY DAY -OR YEAR!!!!

Costumes on hurraH hurREy! All at once: as the witches brew their pots and cauldron of green ‘gewy gew’! 

Cackle me this cackle me that -as they sing and dance and fight and fly and wave their wands and pots and pans and hats and that’s all for now till you watch the treat and munch the treats! At the movvviiies make your way there ASAP!!!? 

Friday, 2 October 2020

The Booth of Doom: MAPPED: Gas station provisions to Couch romance to Penthouse garden 'chats'.

 Doctor Who is now an epic adventure of who will save the day. 

Will the music bring back life to those dismayed? 

Theme and Tense: Past Present and Future costume designs, as well as music interludes ranging from Mozart to Hard Rock and Including that Black Magic called: 'Beat'. 

Lemonade Mouth style bands and puffy Dorito snacks star too -outside the couch and inside the penthouses. 

From Bats and Hell raising ghouls and robots to neon lights and dim faded fires: we find our heroes ranging from past to future tenses -within themes of electrifying and death defying sets and settings.

Speaking of: the scenes; they time range from a bridge of swaying dangers to an egg of flying saucers.

Our characters change a few nuances whilst they travel back and forth through time and make new friends and foes. 

Their worst enemy is the new techno style ET phone home to the council. Whilst their best friends join them on stage -inclusive of a monster ghoul with guitar and with room of magic props and t-shirts and 'pages' of talent. 

Welcome to a Virgin Music and Sony experience type movie of all music in one go -whilst we save the world with our two heroes' notes and their families -against all Rogues and 'roguish' odds.