Friday, 21 January 2022
ice cream sunday club
Diner style Pizza: a real sugary rush of adrenaline of retro
Americana: a slice of heaven or rock and roll.
Scenes range with our student and famous characters from
fame to fame.
Diner couch potato at the diner with music bumps of loves
and wars.
Rich textured foods of scenes and places and settings: no
garage sale or junk yard or haunted basket ball fields with eyes aglow with
cheers and plastic orange hands, but instead a style of their own.
Worth watching as we sail away from school yard to parked
car scenes and are whisked away along the pages of the published papers to
another textured inky greasy café.
Will the famous penthouse lure the young into this and that
or what? Or will politik save the day of thinkers or will they be jokers after
Already, already, a ready break breakfast form of
embracing abrasive bracing braces
teenage feature with young adult brace yourselves scenes and yet and yet not
enough pizza slices flying out of the mouths of babes or liquorice sweet surrender
of love, but more likely and rather a
liquor store or two -as sexy as they rock their world of finding out who
is with or without their high school musical group! Not a bunch of embarrassed youngsters but an
adventurous group or two!