Thursday, 16 June 2022

Jurables and dorms


From the lab to the Windy City 

A few crochets 🧶 crickets along the way, as we unravel this movie reel.
We read it along the path of the Jurassic dinos; from the lands of the sands to the forest deeps they attack and attach at every turn, 

The rats are underworked and busy scary as well as under-worldly in their short but important scene,

To the crickets then mateys as they grow and shrink with this coke and that: scary scarab eyes to match the Dino ones: they check and crick and nick neck,
The film is full of sound effects and the music is outstanding low ebbs and high water flows of tones and tunes.

They roar and creek and crock and bite and nip from mouse to whale,

The greens are mixed in with the deep blue ocean scenes.

It’s an absolute aquarium of a movie! Please do go and see this visual genius lab of edits and cuts ,
Signed by a fly off of the wall!

Every pop and corn 🌽 is paused by every sound and vision. 

Not a corny one at all! 
Free Dinos and 3 D friends….