Wednesday, 22 March 2023

A guide to Greek myths Shazam as a follow up

1-Transfixed by Minotaur 

2-A cyclops (meaning 'circle-eyed') is a one-eyed giant first appearing in the mythology of ancient Greece. The Greeks believed that there was an entire race of cyclopes who lived in a faraway land without law and order.

3-dragon blood 

4-Restricted strictly so!

With its white horse-like body and single spiralling horn, the unicorn is a symbol of purity, innocence and power in Celtic mythology. Legend also tells that their horns can purify poisoned water, such is the strength of their healing power.

Hot dog fries movie 🍿

 Dragons to dungeons from one game to the next…crème brûlée crème caramel; 

A big scary blue eyed dragon scales attacks the wickedest witch of all, will she regain her powers or lose out after all!

Weapons and quests in a diner dress 

Jewels and jests in a festive fest 

Tentacles and scales and horns and tales and tails 

Visual Fable and grim tidings and rides and torn sails, good sales for this poisoned appled film,

A score of music creme fraise as snow: grows more like blazing heat with highs and lows; a scorpion’s tale of a treasure hunt story, quick and speedy as the games are thought and fought, who will gain the sabre cane of a magic wand and who will poison whom,

Will the freeze powers win over the zaps and fire balls or not quite do after all, 

A museum start of white ash and conserves along with a few black ashes along the way! 

A good ol’ portal to another dimension and world of dark trees and mysterious libraries with a knight and a tail…A realms film 🎦