Monday, 16 March 2015

Manners Maketh Hero

I had some serious doubts about the creative value of yet another spy like 007 movie genre but I was pleasantly surprised by Kingsman this week.

A slight move away from the all out action chase scenes and suave 007 persona, Kingsman offered a slightly more complex take on the spy movie genre by presenting important social and political layers to the content.

Does social class influence success? Do social gradients have stigma attached to them?
Do we judge fairly based on appearances, elocution, education, gender and age?
How do we overcome our beginnings and do we in fact rise above social differences to unite as one in the face of danger or political unfairness and greed?

Such were the questions running through my mind for the duration of this presentation of Kingsman.
The acting was fairly predictable but pleasant never the less and the new faces were well cast for the roles they were given, although we may agree that Colin Firth does not need to prove anything with his acting at this point in his career, having played similar roles a few times in the past. His type cast suits him well, but I did wonder if the funny gentle type role might be best left behind at this point for a risky venture into new waters for him. Another type of character perhaps? A little less stiff and humorous, although such risks are too great for certain type cast artist such as he but it might be a good shock value for those of us who are looking to see our favourite actors doing something slightly outside the box for a change.

All in all a fairly well thought out and well rounded script, well tied together in terms of editing, scene durations and style of shots; nothing extraordinary in terms of denouement or content, except for the treatment of social class issues within the Hero worship mould that we are so used to attributing to white collar types.
A new precedent in such film genres looking to make us identify with the less highly educated hero and the more down to earth down trodden type who makes it in the end despite all obstacles.
A message for the audience perhaps or just another step into the realm of a socialist type  hero, one who the latest James Bond has been moving towards lately.

Born with or without a silver spoon in his or her mouth this type of hero is the one who overcomes all in the name of justice and finds a middle ground balancing the odds between those who have and those who have not.
A definite strong social message here albeit disguised within funny action banter.

Ladies and Gentleman, the stage is set! 'Suit up' and roll camera!

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