Friday, 8 January 2016

Timeless Unions

Spin offs on ancient love stories, which are told continuously over the years, with a new outlook, new characters and a new twist, are very popular because this genre of storytelling weaves a web of emotional intrigue around the two main protagonists.
It’s usually two opposing personalities: the ‘dark’ hero and the ‘fair’ heroine (metaphorically speaking), or more specifically; the ‘darker’ and ‘lighter’ side of human nature meeting half way and learning from one another in order to find some kind of balance within a long lasting relationship somewhere in the middle.

‘A family for rent’ or “une famille a louer”, is an entertaining and colorful new take on this genre of film, finding the male protagonist as a shy yet noble and super organized older man with a strong spiritual take on emotions and very little interest in physical love, whilst the female protagonist is a highly affective, disorganized, overly emotional younger woman with a strong need for physical relationships and little connection with her spiritual side.

They come from different worlds and end up together because they learn from one another and meet half way between the physical and the spiritual realm, whereby she learns how to love herself enough to be less afraid of her soul, and he learns how to let go of his physical inhibitions. She becomes aware of loving him spiritually and he opens up to her physically, thus allowing them to unite in a real and definite way through a balanced connection.

This film is mostly about this timeless formulae for endless love and unity. The magic is in the story and in the weaving of a simple plot into colorful and entertaining images which both amuse and educate.

The rest of the production, in terms of dialogue, casting and editing, is simple enough and even negligible, despite the fact that the acting is pretty impressive. The focus is mainly on the story line and this genre of timeless fairy tale.  

It’s a modern infinite Cinderella story, with a final exchange of symbolic rings between the crowned prince and princess.

‘Chapeau bas’ to the Film makers.

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