Friday, 1 April 2016


From 'fresco' food literally jumping out at you from across the screen, in 'Burnt'- through a colourful array of wholesome ingredients that you can almost taste, to the quasi absence of Nature in 'Allegiant', the contrast between the two films is evident. 

One production reminds us of the importance of Nature, and the other presents us with its absence. 

The unifying element in both movies is the supremacy of the love factor. 

In both films, the male protagonist is fully intellectually supported by his female counterpart. 

In the case of 'Allegiant', it isn't the art of cooking or emotional survival which is involved, but actual physical survival itself.

The controlling faction in 'Allegiant' is genetically engineering individuals and destroying Nature therefore threatening the freedom of thought and the beliefs of the masses. 

The main themes of interest in this film are difference and sameness of free individuals. These individuals are divergent from the ruling powers but also in allegiance with one another although belonging to different factions. 

The main characters are fighting for fairness, and against oppression and injustice, in order to liberate themselves and to grow into their potential and fulfill their destiny 

The Legacy of the past and traditions are important, but following ones individual path with like minded people is essential to growth and progression

Leadership and responsibility in power are paramount, but with great power should come delegation and fairness. 

The Love interest is evident in the film, and although it falls into a universal mode, it is extraordinary and exceptional, in that the male and female of the couple have the same core beliefs and endure life's hardships together, with respect and long lasting love, as part of a unified family 

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