Thursday, 2 June 2016

Scrumptious Jonny Depp with an H.

Classic 'Cheshire Cat' shenanigans in: 

'Alice through the Looking Glass'; the sequel to 'Alice in Wonderland'.

The latest: 'Alice in 'Wonder Land'' production, is a marvellous concoction of colourful digital effects, unusual close ups; featuring big heads, bulgy eyes and huge red hair. 

The movie stars: Jonny gorgeous Depp, and a wonderful, creative, united team, who ponder deeply, featuring one of the many 'Jane Eyre' role-cast actresses, who-in this case-plays an empowered ‘Alice’, rather than the blushing ‘non-bride’.

'Alice through the Looking 'Mirror''-with an 'Alice' who recognises who she truly is-or in this case: 'Alice through the Looking Glass', is a classy, glassy, production, with a strong message about courage, heart, and believing in one's dreams.

'Follow your heart’: is the main message here, signifying: letting yourself believe in others, with childlike innocence, but also with confidence in one's faith in order to fulfil one's destiny-no matter what it may be.

'Alice' is a grown up, albeit innocent woman, but by no means naive. She is mature and in touch with her inner voice, grounded and pragmatic, but who is a brave heart; allowing herself to speak her mind and follow her intuitive instincts, despite other people's different points of views.

The characters in the film are numerous and fantastical, imaginative but very real at the same time. 

The 'White 'rabbity' Rabbit', is running out of time as usual, but 'Alice' certainly isn't-as she follows her destiny and saves the day.

The 'Tea Table Mice', are surrounded with gorgeous cakes and foodies, but don't seem to be tempted by anything, and are as agile as gazelles.

The 'Cheshire -scatty catty- Cat', isn't scatty at all, but focused, clever and wiry, able to disappear and reappear at a drop of a 'Mad Hatter's' hat.

The sisterly sisters in the film, are opposites; one naive and consistently guilt-ridden about her sister's childhood accident, the other bitter and jealous about her younger days, because of a bad fall-which led her to almost losing her head! 
She therefore seeks revenge over every happy soul with: 'Off with their caps and heads alike'!

No crazy flamingo golfing bats here, but the madness of the capped 'Hatter' is enough!!

Although charming and intelligent, he is quick to snap when his mood is dark, but finds his way back to ‘Alice’s’ sisterly love and mature approach to life, as she strives to save him from his dark deeds and darker surroundings.

The 'Mad Hatter' is in sincere need of her help, but only recognises this at times-between his ‘darker self’ taking over and his ‘lighter self’ coming through-.

'Alice' travels back in time-through a strange contraption-with beautiful chase scenes galore!

Finding the answers in the past, she manages to bring the 'Mad Hatter's' family back to him, and to bring life back into their family; sealing the latter family reunion with love and understanding.

Caps and hats off to ‘Alice’, and to J.D. as the supporting brotherly personality, in this enjoyable production.

A slice of real life:  'Alice through the Looking Glass', is an elegant, insightful 'filmic' extravaganza! 

Image result for alice through the looking glass images

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