Friday, 14 July 2017


KIN PIN King Kong ofg off og the foggy the Planet of the Apes./.Seeting settings the scenic SCneessx

Where do we start with the Apes at the movie planetarium of the fishy but never fishing for complements directing of this amaxingly superblyz mished mashed of no peas or mushy story lime line of on lemons and lenin lenon fair story limeline of justice of a family pride of apy humans or what?

IE: are boht the anumal kingdoms o f the king kong mnids of apes and himans of humas of humans the sames in terms of separate ideas of consciousness or are they similiar in lingo and existenve??  V for 4 victory for this non prying for new ideas reconnaissance of the old adages of all ages of adding not necessarily new ideas to the original sin of creation IE  IE: bath the animal and the human kingdoms are dons of their family pride and pain for sons n daughterssss: don’t be snakes ever watchers of my originality reviews or new idea stealings for your other blogs peoples of my true family familiar not in this case yet but watch this space IE is also the son of the ape the son of the man or which righteous behaviours is XX rated I do wonder at the wonders of wonderlands of creation and justice emotionality of both flora and fauna i.e. mammals or conscious NIETHceshes plural of old English diction recitation off NTSHE.IN SUMMARY GOOD PLOT OF PAST PREVIOUS CONSCIOUS APY BEHAVIOUR BUT MAMMALS Or NOT YOU OR I AND ETC.. ><

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