The games are back on, but not in the woods of victory of
the allusive world of the ‘Hunger Games’!
In this red emergency phone scenario, we find ourselves in a
completely different ‘adult’ setting of video gaming.
The film begins with an atmosphere of ‘rouge district’, and ends well with a convoluted script and
plot, more than with action scenes or special effective effects ---throughout.
The efficient, effective plot, maybe and may be repetitive
repetition of the ‘owl’ spy film style movies of Russia vs the United States of America, but it does
have a good twisting twist at the end
We find ourselves in the sexy alluring world of women spies, alluring the men into submission and
into submitting information at the same time. Double entente and double agents galore?!
One set –game and match
to?ker style-
is defecting and not running away after all -at all, but running into a very
dangerous ending -wall or tub as the case maybe or
may be.
The other big scenario leading on the film script is the
dynamic relationship between the leading lady and her colleagues in Russia.
She fights off men like flies, but also falls into pitfalls
of dead fallen actors,
not angels but spies.
Many die, in search of ‘’–as is expected in any
good sleuthing spy detective
production. Only a few survive, due to
twisting paths of giving up colleagues and giving in to temptation of money or
promotions. She is one of those not giving in or
up but trying very hard!
The end is beguiling, and we find ourselves
expecting a death sentence with cigar and whiskey at the hangman’s noose, but and
instead finding the rascally leaders conspiring and finding life in intrigue
against the Russian naughty baddies
Spare a Sparoo spy scare me care you too or not? riddle me this analyse that.
Whis-key glass scene of the crime:
watch for that dark scenic scene ‘AhoY’.
America rules the day with its freedom of speech, and the
spies only look to arts and dancing, rather than to dangerous money/z.
you seen that episode of ‘Murder she danced Russia, ahoy?’..
Better give them information and what they want in the US of
A, instead of getting killed in good ‘ol’ Russia..
Survival of the fittest… (watch that space!plot!plot! overallplot!)
richest, strongest, wiliest, and of the wisest strategists – as is expected.
Still worth watching though… Find the clues..
Monocles on sleuths..
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