Bayd Al Eid’- Egg and Bacon style Easter- Sunny Side Up with Warm Buns too,
Easter break may be about breakfasts, lunches and sweets, but it is also about dinner time movie treats:
I and We have two not three for you All this Time;
Music wise and otherwise clock wise, as Mr. A and T would say, the A Team that is, these two films compare and contrast on many levels.
Their common features are love of Adam Eve for one another in that order, as well as the genetic imprint of the story line.
Will they get together in the end; i.e.: the hero and the her-oine? And the second and the third couples etc...?
Costumes and set designs are very different in @ Cosi Fan Tutti production, as well as being very different between the latter film and the other movie: the ‘Zein El Omr’ style fun filled film. ‘La vie est belle dans le film libanais aussi’.
Music time but first this setting:
From the setting of Coney cones of ice-cream cones outside and inside the hotel California -Italian style mafia ‘ma fey illa him and I later on’, to the Lebanese old style setting of Liban.
Old settings, old story lines of romantic times, but one setting is about big lines of fluid smooth Italian mambo, whilst the other is about detailed minutia lines of village gossip filled stone houses and memorabilia -from the ‘linge’ to the plates and verandas of olden days.
Chandeliers on or off: ‘Beauty and the Beast’ style -while you clink click your glasses to the music of the night.
The costumes are inherently and instinctively fitting of both settings in both films respectively; similar traditional settings in both movies, but contrasting locational settings.
In both films, music is Park friendly and Child friendly too. The main and big differences between the sounds of the two films, are in the ‘do’ ‘re’ ‘me’ (s), as well as in the compositions of the ‘Elite’ musicians.
Mozart may well be about chandeliers and repeat grandiose endings of Romeo and Juliet love bars in Cosi Tutti, but music is ‘Turkishly’ and elegantly delightful in the other production as well.
Each filmic musical composition is interesting.
No romance in either main melodies, despite the love stories of ‘Cinderellas’ in both productions.
One film tune appeals to the older generation of Eves and Adams, whilst the other appeals to the younger crowd.
By this we mean, Mozart does not use cartoonish like musical notes to hyphen the dialogue -whilst the chandeliers are dinner on or off.
Off the screen Mozart music and TV cartoons later on..
Lights off too! Till we meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when!
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