Dino-s or Dinosaurs?
Real or Fake?
Make up is everything on set, but we also mean real or fake
in a different sense…
Which is which?
The latest Jurassic Park movie is yet another enduring production
of dinosaurs of glorious speed and strength -coming at you and at your screens with
yet another awesome adventure.
During this enduring endearing ‘dearest Dino screening’,
nothing but fun and mayhem and catastrophic cataclysmic glorious fun and
From park location, to timing is everything, it is indeed a
fabulously fun film.
Enough said, but really though ‘muggles of Harry Potter
style’ human beings, why oh why do you insist on genetically engineering these
glorious cataclysmic amazing beings? We do wonder at the silliness of it all!!
Neither the movie, nor the scenes, nor the story line lack
in plot...nor the film, nor the production: the plot is mainly to be found in the
‘denouement’ of the story line…it thickens throughout the story but
gets best
and better at the end…Mainly Dino-s versus Dino-s…and the return to the natural
habitat of the ruling Dinosaurs. They rule and then they rule again, without
the genetically engineered so called ‘defense against the arts Dino-s’ -with wires
for brains…
Humans keep making the same mistakes again and again…
But humans cannot rule the animal kingdom, only the ‘Animagus’
and the ‘lions’ can….will they never ever learn.
Other than the Dino-Dino action, the rest of the plot is much
Bad ‘muggles’; i.e.: the bad ‘guys’ who are muddled, lose the
plot in the end. Their loss.
Dino-s are saved from the human ‘engineers’, and from the engineered
cloned Dinosaurs…What a
surprise! It isn’t one at all, but the shots are quite ‘star-rific’
and shooting style stars in your eyes.
3D images of glorious in your eyes big shots of scenic
adventure lands, bring us back to this enduring awesome adventure of Dinosaurs -shot
in wide lenses and close ups too. Back to the Park during this Jurassic filming.
Timing is everything in this production, and for its date of release too…
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