Monday, 17 June 2019

Dark and Light Shadows and Clear Blue Skies

Dark Phoenix: X Man and X Woman Style.
Image result for hunger games images

Heavenly flights take us into the movie magic world of this latest sequel.

The phoenix is an out of bounds out of control powerful weapon unleashing ‘itself’ into the world of both the mutants and the ‘muggles’. The human world does not feature in this epic production as much as the mutant world of hybrids does.

The characters are the same but not the actors, and range from blues to monstrous amphibians. The main personage is the scarred with fire phoenix lady with the power to destroy with a flic of her hand and a blink of her mind.

Her scars are on the outside too: she is fearful of her own powers we imagine, as well as being a threat to her peers and to her protecting colleagues -at the school of ‘magic and mayhem.’

Her scars are fiery red and yellowy fire inside her skin, as she copes with her emotions and controls her powerful urges.

The mind reader with his steely helmet is the usual bold and bold courageous leader trying to keep his team in order. The opposing faction of the steel mover -who bends steel not minds in his latter case- is also after the treasure of the phoenix so to say…

Will they one and all, blue or not, as mutant buddies manage to bring her back from her urges of destruction and from her vortex void of black and fiery coloured outbursts, or will they fail to?

In the meantime, the other leading lady is a vortex in her own right of laser modern moonlight electrical and electrocuting energy, as she fights through. Will they merge their powers as two leading X women in their own right? Or will they fight?

The setting is the special effect: in other words, and so to speak: the special effects are the setting.

The black disintegration shots and the cuts from fire bolts to jolts and jumps make the movie set and setting disintegrate our minds and cells. Mind blowing movie writing and imaging of animation and inanimatrix.   

We wonder at the wonder of the blue monster not featuring much in this featurette, and at the other blue leading lady from the ‘Hunger Games’ being dead end not featuring much neither or either!!

We twilight out of this review, phoenix style too! Back Soonish,

Image result for hunger games images

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