Tuesday, 5 November 2019

THe SecrET DiaRIes oF

The Adams are back on screens big and small, big people as parents and uncles and aunts and smalls as children and their quirky friends.
What an amazing mish mash of a movie, movie goers!
Characters range from the moustache of the gorgeous dad, to the pearls of wisdom of the spider webbed mom.
The parents want the best for the kids, and that includes a ‘deathly hollow’ of letting them be at their worst -in their most controlled and happy accepting ways.
The dad moustaches his way through the movie with snide and smiles, and with just the right pinch of irony or of a sad face of looking at home portraits.
The mom does her best to stay alert and allured by the father figure, as well as being aware of any evil doers and their lovely ‘branching stems’. She talks the talk, and he listens well, papa dearest.
What about the uncle and the help?
The Grammy is the wickedest one of all -with laughing eye of newt and eye of ‘nault’, as she waltzes and laughs her crazy laugh around the bold uncle and his curvy back. Hands together and hands apart as the uncle rubs his hands in glee of evil too.
The other character who helps around the house is HAND. It is an ‘IT’ of a HAND: it turns and twists and finds a way to stay close by -in case of fun and mayhem too!
The Frankenstein butler type family guy member is another member of the hand of this wonderfully evil family ‘gloved’ in doom.
The party goers arrive in hair of silk covering their faces with glasses and strands of gold. Other guests have things on their heads and hanging stuff. They arrive one by one, whilst the neighbours huff and puff. The sales sort of lady and her daughter plan and plot, with their bubbly bubble gum coloured phones and screens and hair and nails. Only the daughter is a goth chic and not as bubble gum as mom. Her eyes are lidded less with want of house normal/s ‘Normans’ and more with the need for weird -and not for greed of power or glory in her Gothic case –as opposed to her suburban housewife mom.        

Story takes us from party mad to celebration to housewarming -but not in the case of the sales lady or housewife bubble gum chum visiting the Adams day in and day out. She has to criticise their style and win the day to power over them with her ‘normal ways’. But she does not succeed; as the story takes us from the boy’s weird and wonderful party ways, to his axing and ‘other knifings’ and brutal days. In the case of the strange sister, the nights take a turn to her wondering away from home safe and sound, as her parents worry or worry not, and as her brother covers her tracks. He practises the hunger game for his coming of horror horrific age -as she bonds and styles with her Gothic hollow friend. Who is killing whom -and what plot is next -which weapon -and what lab?
The bedrooms are a spider’s web of despair of hanging torture things, whilst ‘Frankenstein’ plays his background moves of ‘stings’ -on the piano of the ‘phantom of the night’. His ‘green’ is beauteous along with the uncles’ grin and the hand’s Hand. They accompany the story line quite well with their setting ways; set in darkness and gurgles of misery and happy despair.      
Set against the moon covered with the grey and blue dark clouds of the evening sun, the story rolls over the horror hills and sways from castle top to haunted mansion house. The windows glow with moonlight fear and fright, as our heroes the Adams plot their evil ways of deaths
The inside of the house is clear and bright and not the same at all as the haunted house. One house of ‘anime’ for the desperate housewife and her daughter who longs for weird, and another house of dark and not so clear.  
Designs are also in the costumes and not just in the furniture too. The props of death are part of the furniture deal. The axes and ‘spades’ are set against the costumes and hairs of colourful characters with unusual garments of many folds and shades. Props inside the house and on the people themselves.  The graves outside are haunted we hope and designed so well as to compliment the design of dialogue in this amazing film of the year.  
Dialogue of grim and proper weird and strange goes hand in hand with extravaganza dark shaded music and with action packed moves of death. Some scenes are jolly and housewife like but quite erratic and highly-strung character wise. This latter bright evil style contrasts very well with the dimly lit good style of the family Adams pack.  

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