Friday, 13 December 2019

Hideous 'Phantoms' they come and go!


Fables NarNia slightly, but nor much of a LoRd of the VeDar Vader radar nor Voldermort rings...except for the Horcrux of a jewel.

‘JumanGI’ GI every day of the week action packed movie.

The latest never-ending story is one of Hunger Games and Game of Thrones.

Many realms of fighting and many levels of jewel power takings-in this amazing and enjoyable experience.

Just like the queens and kings of olden days, but in a modern setting and in modern times, our heroes look to gain the jewel back from the evil doers, in order to restore power where its due.

Our story begins with the characters all jumbled up in their house of gaming ‘horrors’ and ends up with them back on track as themselves -dead then alive- college students and older people and all.

A movie for all ages, as the action takes place for the characters, ranging from rangers to scorpion kings to queens of the jungle. The characters also include the many creatures of wonder who attack and almost never retract: a jumble and a puzzle of animals in the wilds -as our heroes bash it out with them to get to their prize.

The characters range from Ostriches the likes of ‘tooney’ toons, to King Kong monkeys and the bites of snakes. Medusa style stone settings, and not forgetting or forgoing the horse of ‘Pegasus’ wonder, who flies and mesmerises with his black magic.

Don’t miss the ‘hungry hippo’ neither either! No phantom monkeys in this jukebox of a ‘musical’ movie for sure! They are everywhere one and all! and so are the ‘looney’ birds/ostriches.

Nothing is subtle about the scenes with the hideous hyenas neither either: it’s not the Lion King jungle but an attack of hungry gaming wolverines. Woof woof style action against our heroes with the powers and the lives to lose.  

The setting goes from icy snow and trees, to ‘on fire’ fallen bridges, to water crystal clear greens and blues. The latter scene being slightly reminiscent of the Underworld too!

The aim is to find a jewel not a rotten cherry tomato nor a frozen black berry! The jewel is a pendent taken from a tribe to ‘another’ and then snatched back (in the nick of time) to its rightful place in the sun -in order to release our heroes and bring back the order of Jumanji….

Scribbling...: Ostrich Mentality

Monday, 25 November 2019

Frozen in Time but Not so at ALL!
Timeless classics such as ‘the above and below’ and lo and behold one in this movie -before Santa baby and his HOHOHo…HO HO HO
Just around the seasonal greeting time, we see and view this timeless classic at the big screens, frozen in time but not so at all; because of the new elements which are elementally found in this film produce of the year -at your London Town break theatres.
And from the story of the girls leading up from their homes to their forest of enchantment, -here we go:
‘It’s a winter wonderland of this and that: mainly this: they have to separate in order to find the secrets at hand: who ‘dunnit’?? and why did the mist take over their enchanted lands?’
The elements of fire and ice and stone of earth and water too are driven against the fights of factions, and so ‘they’ enchant the lands. It’s the girls’ job to remove the enchantments and break the ‘damns’ before they can find their way back home.
In order to do so they must do this and that: ride the waters of living horses of ice and water and ‘thaw out’ -as the fire of the lizard ‘toady’ creature lights their way and flames his way into this adventure and that one!
They are faced with obstacles of ‘boulder’ dimensions, before they can enlist the help of those who can break the damn and un-enchant the Land of fairy tales -in this classy fable.
The wise ones who look like Santa and his helpers are knowing gnomes of magic too -as they ‘explode’ the map/s of pink and blue…the sister’s explosions come in white and ice, as she rides the waves into the crystal maze of the dark black forest gateau-like place, as well as sinking deep into the oceans of dark and not so bluey black.
The leaves turn in the story from page to page, as the leaves of the forest foliage us from place to place -including away from the real live forest of autumn fest, to the enchanted places of ice and mud of black and white and deep and shallow waters too...
Let’s not forget the characters of the snowman and his reindeer too, it’s a funny Christmas time Santa ‘clause’; lets tune in, and time this viewing too! Every focused lens second/minute in the filming counts.
Secret found. Explosive viewing. Unenchanted land -finally so, and yet still enchanting three times over in this viewing of Frozen2!

Wednesday, 13 November 2019


Lustre of the Terminator. It Shines through and through.

The Dark is back with the shine of this latest production of Terminator with ‘Arnie’ and his friends and foes. The machines are many, but very different to one another.

None other than the fighting scenes of superb quality and quantity to top off and start off and end off this amazing movie -with the machines fighting the dark side.

The feel is one of Star Wars and lunar beauty mainly -in terms of setting. From flying fights on seemingly moving ships to chipping pieces of machines. Not on the moon perhaps but close to it for definite.

The colours range from black to grey to sun to ‘moon-ish’.  They include reds and yellows and a few orange hits of the brushes of paint-like settings.

The matter at hand in the story line above, and before this film in the previous ones too, as with good and evil always, is sorted through and through -at the end of the film- with the gorgeous machines robotically winning the day against the ‘dark matter’. This does seem likely from the start, although the ‘Matter’ regenerates over and over again, as the dark fluids reconstruct once hit or are bitten (once or twice) throughout the fight scenes between our dashing hero his friends and foes.

Dialogue between the characters is supportive of the amazing content of the moving pictures, in this production of Darks and Lights, Shadows and Whites.      

The action takes us from waters to fires to the winds of change and to ‘earth-ly’ chats.

All of the elements are elementally in this movie -including the ephemeral yet strong presence of the subtle and modest actors and actresses. Their reputation/s precedes them and therefore introductions are mute.

Sounds on as we ‘swim’ and ‘sway’ and lose ourselves ‘drowning’ inside the well-tuned verses of this extraordinary musical score of rock and ‘diabolique’ rolling.   

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

ADmsA PKca

Dark Times (Emily the Strange)

THe SecrET DiaRIes oF

The Adams are back on screens big and small, big people as parents and uncles and aunts and smalls as children and their quirky friends.
What an amazing mish mash of a movie, movie goers!
Characters range from the moustache of the gorgeous dad, to the pearls of wisdom of the spider webbed mom.
The parents want the best for the kids, and that includes a ‘deathly hollow’ of letting them be at their worst -in their most controlled and happy accepting ways.
The dad moustaches his way through the movie with snide and smiles, and with just the right pinch of irony or of a sad face of looking at home portraits.
The mom does her best to stay alert and allured by the father figure, as well as being aware of any evil doers and their lovely ‘branching stems’. She talks the talk, and he listens well, papa dearest.
What about the uncle and the help?
The Grammy is the wickedest one of all -with laughing eye of newt and eye of ‘nault’, as she waltzes and laughs her crazy laugh around the bold uncle and his curvy back. Hands together and hands apart as the uncle rubs his hands in glee of evil too.
The other character who helps around the house is HAND. It is an ‘IT’ of a HAND: it turns and twists and finds a way to stay close by -in case of fun and mayhem too!
The Frankenstein butler type family guy member is another member of the hand of this wonderfully evil family ‘gloved’ in doom.
The party goers arrive in hair of silk covering their faces with glasses and strands of gold. Other guests have things on their heads and hanging stuff. They arrive one by one, whilst the neighbours huff and puff. The sales sort of lady and her daughter plan and plot, with their bubbly bubble gum coloured phones and screens and hair and nails. Only the daughter is a goth chic and not as bubble gum as mom. Her eyes are lidded less with want of house normal/s ‘Normans’ and more with the need for weird -and not for greed of power or glory in her Gothic case –as opposed to her suburban housewife mom.        

Story takes us from party mad to celebration to housewarming -but not in the case of the sales lady or housewife bubble gum chum visiting the Adams day in and day out. She has to criticise their style and win the day to power over them with her ‘normal ways’. But she does not succeed; as the story takes us from the boy’s weird and wonderful party ways, to his axing and ‘other knifings’ and brutal days. In the case of the strange sister, the nights take a turn to her wondering away from home safe and sound, as her parents worry or worry not, and as her brother covers her tracks. He practises the hunger game for his coming of horror horrific age -as she bonds and styles with her Gothic hollow friend. Who is killing whom -and what plot is next -which weapon -and what lab?
The bedrooms are a spider’s web of despair of hanging torture things, whilst ‘Frankenstein’ plays his background moves of ‘stings’ -on the piano of the ‘phantom of the night’. His ‘green’ is beauteous along with the uncles’ grin and the hand’s Hand. They accompany the story line quite well with their setting ways; set in darkness and gurgles of misery and happy despair.      
Set against the moon covered with the grey and blue dark clouds of the evening sun, the story rolls over the horror hills and sways from castle top to haunted mansion house. The windows glow with moonlight fear and fright, as our heroes the Adams plot their evil ways of deaths
The inside of the house is clear and bright and not the same at all as the haunted house. One house of ‘anime’ for the desperate housewife and her daughter who longs for weird, and another house of dark and not so clear.  
Designs are also in the costumes and not just in the furniture too. The props of death are part of the furniture deal. The axes and ‘spades’ are set against the costumes and hairs of colourful characters with unusual garments of many folds and shades. Props inside the house and on the people themselves.  The graves outside are haunted we hope and designed so well as to compliment the design of dialogue in this amazing film of the year.  
Dialogue of grim and proper weird and strange goes hand in hand with extravaganza dark shaded music and with action packed moves of death. Some scenes are jolly and housewife like but quite erratic and highly-strung character wise. This latter bright evil style contrasts very well with the dimly lit good style of the family Adams pack.  

Tuesday, 22 October 2019


Image result for maleficent photos
Image result for maleficent photos

Image result for maleficent photos


The Charm and The Curse. The Cure and the Potion.

Maleficent the Good Vs the White Queen of Evil Hearts.

The factions are hungry for the hunger games to begin: two sides: The Fairy Folk ‘Elkins Elf-ins’ and the Humans collide in this epic movie -movie goers everywhere!
The Evil is not just in the Witchcraft people it seems but in the evil White Queen: the mom of all evils is the princesses’ mother and her hatred of all things magical.
This film sets the two sides apart as they battle to Wizz and wizard their way out and into their separate lives.

The production begins with the steam and smoke of black ravens and white snow and middles with it too as well as with the green gems of Oz and the ring/rings of power. Colours and Shadows and Lights.

It features goblin style monstrous creatures, fairies and speaking munchkins and mushroom heads, as well as cages and a spindle and needle or two… Fable Style Curses and Charms.

The end is a glorious smoky red of battles and galactical chocolaty colours of mingled this and that as we join our two factions in battle. Stars at Wars.

Are you on the side of the human princes and their princesses or on the side of the witches and their winged friends? We are in awe of their flights of fancy and their small and big wings of grey to multicoloured ‘browns’ as they fly and swoop to protect their enchanted homes. Doctor Who epic swishes and portals. Are you on the side of the green smoke of the genie in the maleficent bottle -so to say so to speak-, or on the side of the conniving crafty white queen and her hatred for all curses or charmed ones?

Who is the secret goblin in the attic like dungeon, and will he manage to capture all things weird and creature beautiful and experiment, as he hides the spindle needle? Whose side is he on and will the Maleficent power source manage to escape her fate of death as she battles to regain Aurora and keep her on her side of magical love and within her circle of an enchanted twirl of life. Will Aurora marry the human nice prince, or will she end up back at the matrix of the oracle of witchcraft and mayhem with Maleficent?

Will the enchanted forests and the haunted woods remain safe and sound for the strange creatures and their black queen of green, or will the humans take over everything with their white palaces, their princes’ proposals, and with their Feiffer queen?

It all starts with a proposal, human to human, and middles with the meddling Jolie, and ends with happy ending of the Wonder of the lands of Oz, and with the happy smiles of the ‘monstrous ones’.
Basically, Maleficent remains as evil and gloriously successful as ever and forever more along with her Aurora, spindle safe and sound and all. The prince is and stays intact and nice enough, as the other queen of human beings in white as snow as her palace and power, crumbles into a cheep of diamonds. The Raven prevails and so does the Phoenix of the transforming magical evil Maleficent Queen. Her winged being friends are brave in red battle and stay safe and sound too!

The king’s crown is cursed and so are the humans -in a way in a way- by the anger and powerful possessiveness for Aurora -of Angelina Jolie, as the Queen-. See you at the movies Michelle Feiffer.   

Twin sides of Good and two sides of Evil.

Friday, 11 October 2019


‘Vladimir Zombies and Co.’
Zombieland at Zombillenium at the Cine Lumiere.
N      ot Cirque D u Freak b      ut a circus of a funfair o     f a f     un movie for all.
An array of monsters and creatures and toothed winged or not characters meet and greeeeet us at the grit your teeth but not scarrrryy at all fuuuun filled film of the year.
In my opinion, it is a world of gaming style productions.
In this particular ‘grab at you’ scenic film, we find our gaming heroes soto say and sotospeak ‘war-ing’ about this and that.
The aim of the game is to keep this Satanic funfair alive with frights for all money payers and visitors of this hollow horror show! In other words, this world of the Cirque Du Freak must be the scaaaariest of them all and not the prettiest at all!!
The rides go haywire and the characters get Zombier and Zombier, except for a few good monsters who stay closer to their human nature homes. Satan and his fiery bossy ways prefers to remain the owner of this money-making place with his minion Zombies under his powers forevermore. Only a few get to escape this escape land of Zombillenium time/s.
The game is ‘afoot’, and I say gaming because of this and that:
The drawings of the characters in technicolour glory and lines of shapes of very lined lines. Definitions of drawings galore.
The dialogue is simple and sweet.
The movements are drawn together in a much-formed way, ‘rrrobotically’ speaking- so to say.
The action and actions of the characters are in the forefront of this gaming style movie -just as they are in a gaming online game.



Image result for zombiesImage result for zombies

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Potter Time with Symphonies…
Character traits and props, according to the notations of notes: from tune to tone.
Chapter 1 and page one of scores of music:
Harry Potter: a magical being of smooth tones and polite conversation. Propped by his friends and sorting hat. Sorted! Gryffindor wins the day.
Hermione: a diplomatic prop to the team with a pragmatic note of music. A must see at the Festive Hall of London symphonies.
Ron isn’t a Weasel at all, but his musical scenes are slightly Weasley with this and that of ups and downs of tunic tones of note.  In other words, a few nuances between friends and foes -of notes too!
The professors are in the house with their strong voices accompanied by their low and jungle fever almost music. The tones here are somewhat dark but glorious and low toned.
Snape snaps the day with his dark arts. The’e’ cauldron bubbles and so do the potions; they transport us with their musical magical formulas into the realms of the Philosophy Stones. A rainbow of a performance ranging from the outside world of creature comforts and Hagrid’s bird nest beard of chirping sounds and lows and highs in tones too -to the world of ‘Mrs. professors’ leading lady and her wand of just right musings and music-s.
We are left with no props except for the broom in the vroom of the crazy lady and her hair during the turning tournaments of lights and bubbles of golden snitches: this lady prof.  certainly seems sharper than the notes of the accompanying musical notes during her scenes of this and that.
We end this tale with the roars and mostly high notes of the lower tones of growling three headed creatures and of one ogre or two with his propped baton.
Will they find the philosophy they are after inside the ‘lavs’ or the ‘labs’ of dark passages of their Hogwarth’s palace in the skies?
Lastly but not ‘leastly’ will they unravel the prop of the cloak of folded heads?
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the cleverest ‘stone’ of all? A real mystery is revealed…
Chocolate frogs on the train, and off we go; mad trolley propped on the way!
Music galore and violins to score…see it to believe it at the Royal festive’ Festival Hall.
Dinner halls and all.  

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Patch 'Eye' on YOU RVU


Croc Monsieur ou Madame

Crawling towards your viewing pleasures, in different measures of speed and slow action 'mo', are the latest images of non inferno non volcanic but almost Atlantis measures, and are the heroes of this film.

'Crawl' or not, with neither this: the Jumanji map of surprises, nor with the rush and run with the 'Dinos' of that: Jurassic Park/s of the giants. Neither map nor park are in this great production for escaping, no where to go!

The latest crocodile spooky movie, is full of crunching munching escape scenes, and of bumping horror jumps and slimy slides.

The all sizes scales are up for this measured and very well edited and produced film.
All that in an amazing cadre of a sequence of a story line.
From the big screen to the small; as human vulnerable daughter and father try their best to survive the waters of the murky ponds of greenish wicked 'toads' and teeth.
All this in one amazing cadre of a sequence of scenes.

Set awash the soaked 'whoomping willow' trees, and below the creaking attic floors of the good old haunted mansion-like house..s..the two try to stay alive. No map, and not much to save them on the outside.

Gas up for against all the odds, in this fast and furious roller rocking film, of 'diner-like mid-west 'Buffy less' and 'Twilight more' likeness' movie.

The parallels between all of the above movies and this one are in the action motion measures of speed or not, and in the big or giant sizes of creature beasts compared to the little humans.

Lights OUT, the 'Crocs' are in Z house with a few Z for zombie-like blood curdling horror scenes. 

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Dora's Map of Gold :)

Image result for map imageImage result for parrot imageinscriptions? treasures....adventure beings begins...

Cont. Fun Sticks and Stones

City of Gold Inca Findings

As Dora moves from realm to realm of nature findings that is, she discovers more and more adventures with her friends and foes.

The latest epic sliding, climbing epic feature features this and that:

Dora is the main protagonist.

She leaves her parents behind slightly away from home but not by herself at all.

From the map and relics at home to the school grounds we go.

The adventure continues in the natural forest as she is joined by animate and ‘inanimates’ on a trip of a lifetime. Her mates vary from monkey to fox to a girl and a boy of anime, to real life friends, and to adversaries who try to steal her glory and beat her to the gold findings in the final countdown.

123 and 4 as she slides and climbs with them from land mud swallowing earths, to moving forests of dangerous grounds, to water slides of almost drownings, to the magical stones of the Inca realms.

Here they find a map of sequences and natural events, leading them to opening the mouth of the treasure chest -metaphorically speaking or literally in fact... The treasures are actually treasures just like the ones in ‘Pirates’ movies and in Coves.

But they are stopped at every turn by the bad guy who wants it for himself. He is on a downhill fiery slope!!

In the meantime, of this ‘Nancy Drew’ like mystery style caper, we find the heroes facing the ‘shaman woman’ -and the ‘priestess of the castle of the druids’… Is the old lady a witch or a revealing city of gold herself? Is there a glimmer or charm or curse involved, and is this a side story or what dear viewers and readers...?

Is it one witch or two?

At the end of the day, the stones of the ruins decide the fates of all!

Stones and sticks and nature tricks and no one can steal the gold! So says the old witch and the crone: two in one: a lady of gold warns against stealing greed but is convinced of the innocence of the fold; i.e.: of the Dora team who are then allowed to go free and are released into the wilds at the end at last -as they prove their innocence to the ‘City of Gold’.  

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

photoshopPINGs clipPINGs-action revolution on revvine.

fry and ice decisions
in and out in a sec or twoevidentfinal pinch? pitch perfect.

post its post notes

Academic synopsis 101 of non-academia macadamia mish mash not the whole matrix why not and just one take; take 101. Clip one not two nor three etc… etc,,,

Hopefully this Matrix of one systems error is not an error in writing folks.

Basically, I hope reviewing this good old film is as good as the film itself or is it?

Is it really a drag on and on of explanatory jargon rather than the full Monty of special effects of preferred prefects we are looking for usually on the two-way big screen or what? What exactly do we look for when we go movie makers? What do we want to see? The preferred actors’ perfect prefects in dialogues or the story in full blown action?

Do we want: a prolonged dialogue of cool character actors, or an actual blow by blow effect of scenes?

Repetitive sequels are one thing but and the first should be as good as the last or what?

Matrix revolution-ises movies and makes them makers of fantastic fan-tasy lands everywhere when and if the action is set togo bam and wham in your face absolute vodka crazy ups and downs. 

In some opinions like in mine this should always be the case. How about in yours?

-their glam drag rags?
- their speaks and speak easys,,,,
- their story together or apart?
-their location/s? setting?
-their time/s?
          their ‘data vu’?

More specifically what do we like most about the films?

-their edits in choices of actions, or their edits in words on screen?

And their special effects, or just their effects on you and me?

Drags -although no rags- in terms of not enough action edits and special effects in my humble op, although I did not see the production operation in person or face to face the money in the case of this film. So, who knows why it didn’t pick up as much as we may have felt it should have…?

Oracle in the movie did work out though -and oracle out!

Cookie break. No café au time. Shimmering out and strobing into the next phase of my proceedings.