Academic synopsis 101 of non-academia macadamia mish mash
not the whole matrix why not and just one take; take 101. Clip one not two nor
three etc… etc,,,
Hopefully this Matrix of one systems error is not an error
in writing folks.
Basically, I hope reviewing this good old film is as good as
the film itself or is it?
Is it really a drag on and on of explanatory jargon rather
than the full Monty of special effects of preferred prefects we are looking for
usually on the two-way big screen or what? What exactly do we look for when we
go movie makers? What do we want to see? The preferred actors’ perfect prefects
in dialogues or the story in full blown action?
Do we want: a prolonged dialogue of cool character actors,
or an actual blow by blow effect of scenes?
Repetitive sequels are one thing but and the first should be
as good as the last or what?
Matrix revolution-ises movies and makes them makers of fantastic
fan-tasy lands everywhere when and if the action is set togo bam and wham in
your face absolute vodka crazy ups and downs.
In some opinions like in mine this should always be the
case. How about in yours?
-their glam drag rags?
- their speaks and speak easys,,,,
- their story together or apart?
-their location/s? setting?
-their time/s?
their ‘data vu’?
More specifically what do we like most about the films?
-their edits in choices of actions, or their edits in words on
And their
special effects, or just their effects on you and me?
Drags -although no rags- in terms of not enough action edits
and special effects in my humble op, although I did not see the production operation
in person or face to face the money in the case of this film. So, who knows why
it didn’t pick up as much as we may have felt it should have…?
Oracle in the movie did work out though -and oracle out!
Cookie break. No café au time. Shimmering out and strobing into
the next phase of my proceedings.
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