Saturday, 6 July 2019

Frozen Ashes in Spider's Nets....

Spider’s webbing and webbing it too -our way to you.
Weaving our way into your senses, we find ourselves once more in front of the big screen, before the writings and your readings. We weave our way into your readers’ senses with these images and words. Sound effects pending the movie watching. Taste buds on with pop your corn whenever. Burnt corn and all.
As our own 3d glasses are on, Spider ‘spidery’ man spins around us on the screen with his blue spectacles on. He gives them away and finds them, his precious tools, his weapon/s.
As well as that, he also finds once more and then gives away his black flower necklace. It finds its way into the defending and finding hands of his leading lady. It turns into a butterfly on her delicate neck.
From the delightful props and weapons, to the delightful characters of the spider and his queen bee, as well as to the foes of the elements and to their leading foe leader.
He weaves, seeps and slimes his own green spectral deceit, transforming our screens into a fighting action scenic view of the four elements, of wind, fire, earth and water -but also of snow and of ashes to ashes. The end takes a turn to an end of death. In other words, this foe of disguises and deceitful elemental ways gets done in in the end by the amazing spider team.  
In their suits and pirates’ garbs, they plot and plan and clue and seek and find the truth about the newly released ‘aggressive beasts’ of elemental attacks.
We wait in vain for the old marvel murderous heroes to show up and help the team fight the good fight against the elements, but we only find a spectral green hero with glasses blue -gift glasses from spider man. But behold he and him the green headed helmeted ‘space man’ turns out to be a ‘baddie’. A real bad egg head.   
The glasses go back to their original owner: spider dude, as he sets his sights and necklace flower of black onto the neck and heart of his butterfly queen bee.
We love the props and weapons in this movie, as well as the many fold characters of foes and friends, and the special effects of the ephemeral elemental ‘beasts’.
Image result for spider netImage result for spider manImage result for spider man

Investigations: themes and locations -from the set to your doorsteps... Canteena Lab....

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