Sunday, 21 May 2017

SoarssoaringscoresOlovinUKingArturesno zzzz here

Guy RiTzy Style Arthur King of the whole wide world of Nobel prizes with a surprise middle section of gloriously filmed Benito dusk till Torro dawned on me that serpents in the movie were not?Benito’s style nor Guy’s neither forsure baby Ritchie, if you will allow me to quick review your artistic genius type non-stop new takes on art and glorious mishaps of impro style usual newbees of images and sound effects.     This includes shades of fading     fire, galry glarinicecleseffects and glary windy earthy tinctures of takes and cuts. but the shadiness of Benito’s genius; if my knowledge of his style is correct, should have been credited tohimo scenes within a movie word wihin a word etc etc?, aapleomyeyapologies all round mr Ritchie blues -no blues classy ritzy Benito too. No twos and threes like you to2o in directmg directoms no sirseys.,no shady business allowed EVER right?orwhat>
HO w about an owlplume’s idea newbee too: in my case of brining your Ggenius together, not mine of course; da ta da: of genius interaction for your next movie :take on leadership life too2.

      The stone story continues and is dramaticfefects movie produced glorgeously too./’@? Watdutinker twinkle thinks yeall. @as the sword fishlookingsword (children’s stories later for sure but no time yet not for meyet glory bees youbee glory bees too right{) is effectvvvly removed –emphasis on the sound of effective of musical note,s Mrs. very
  respectable responsivictorYScorcese similar genius scores heremphasis in thi.e: movie of movies too; welcome liniear artistIc genius Guy of guys MrRitchie- from the side of thorns is the swordy stone wasesvases grabbed/ rightly this time/ by the hands of justiesies, phonetic undertones siouinammnammnaam;reviewRevVueVinestyle
wiseornoreVise -
A mishmash mix of good way meaning intentiions I mean goodness of politically correct,and rightly so ofcourseoncourse actors too;’ in this producer’s nightmaresomoney scenario but etc..albeit an amaxin nobel winning prixe of innovative ideas again and again Mr Rtichie (no dot after thisRroaring movie time movie time movie norornor afull stop. at all,, please! don’t stop neither)/!2” Script style here in and in some of my future writings perhapstooand how about/?whyNPTo If yu like. Demure face emogidrmurehereface2.Here insert no photos this time but genius or no new creativity required in script writings too?others of course too clairtu above all oui: soundvoiceovers or not? DIalect yes?

Coprythgmine hehebabyGiggle or not as the case of yous maybe. Not tooseriouthnmeandyous< (above>abbreviatinNNN phewieszxcvbmjh
How about new words childrens of the worlds or doves of life? New ideas imahge of sihging singing Lightbulbhere whatsappstylesi Oall round)( including wirintgs and readings (correctly grammatically here tootoo or not tutuYOU thinkso?this time-correct me if I am wrong-babies of the worldofhtefuture  ) and not justjust butnotonlyjust amazingnewsflashes and storbes of stormy sound use of the English lingo.
Over and 

Londinum out of the box ideas that’s all,..?/@ ahummexcuse me or you sorry Mr. Rtichie Ritchie correctly so too;: for example i..e.e. see exemplae above my doves London tonwies and and and 
APologOies from me Randush for sayng Londinum from your movietimes great movie....

OwlPLumeowling owlowerandowt (
spellchicknoworkingyetonchildrenn’sbooksbut third3stor3still inaction of car action scenes peut etre oui thirs movie thirst of writingsofTen OclockNovember sleepy heads wiritingreadingsS.movietimeTenpeutetreouiouinodingSi. Nodding off noddys or no defensiveness alphasnotallowed ALFA jargon burger and fries within acting reason: Im rehearsing and on a conference call yes so what!

Researchme researchyou laters babiesGs

Please Kindly See seesaw title belowserowarmthtemperature not Zero?/

An Americano in Parmigianino Parigi
NO OFFENCE at all except to the very one way colourful but one sided story told at the theatre of Dominion. The Dominion of a few on stage is just as unjust as the dominion of a few or many outside the living theatre doors.
Door 1: the dormant script of an American in Paris is not so dormant after all, but buoyant with the dance routines and musicals jigs and wiggly wigs of non wigged beautiful actresses and gorgeous Wickwedstyle theatreshowactors’ goals gal ores all: you scored big timethis find menewthis terminologygoersplzx( time Americano Parmigiano-noiffencioKwallashuwallakeewallameen?
Doors2 and 3 not the above dormant mouse in Aliceat ALL: NO attachment of number 2 to number 3 in terms of either the scores of musical numberettes or in terms of the script development; although the story smoothly slides towards a very happy loving skyending. O joy of joys in a very sincerely fair way to the fairly chosen actors regardless of background, lineage or choice of dress gowns.
Door Speak4ing of Costumes dressy or not as the cases of aces to the designers maybe: artistic geniuses for lack of a better synonym should be by all aces recognised truly yours again meaningmemeansgoodnessallroundthemiceocklockio

OwlPlumesnotessaved here ‘@)

Monday, 15 May 2017

anonymous Bunny RoadrunnerdinerstylE

Image result for orchestra chef singing players tunesHarrImage result for cupcake lace redy’s Bar Style Antics but certainly not an antiquated way of presenting Genie Genius Rowling’s Owling Wise Genius to A Devouring Adoring Crowd.
Ironmonger LaneImage result for chef jobs
  • The Royal Blue, and Blue to Red Velvet Cupcake Love You SO Ribbon Albert Memorial, yet again, remembers the J.K. Genius of Lady Rowling.
  • The Lady is indeed a flowery and not too lacy ribbon of honour to us all- in the sense- that her movietheatricalbooks and creative non jargonical wayys, I AM NOT A ROBBOT NEITHER, daized by her daisy superactionwoman ways, -are continuously and continually- much loved by all; including myselfo.Displaying IMG_2891.JPG

OTOPHOSHOPTOF VIOLA please insert photo here kiddies')

From the Chef De Orchestrated emotionally high IQ CHEFDO, to the super wide range of instrumentals, the Philosophers’’s genius gem stone minds -but not stony hearts- of Rowling and teamworks of dreamworkslike team, mesmerised me at the memorial of Halls.
A rocking your boat show boat -vegasbabylouloualmost hall of fame- within a hall of Potter fame of learning heads and sorting hats.
One feels obliged to be part of the moving big screen switched on banquet, at the Red hall, whilst viewing the antics of non-antiquated potterstyle banquet hall students of magic –and those of learners of moviemaking magic for Ana: RandaG in libancelling my books too through future filmworks promotional antics @ J
Speciality of effects, inside the enchanting scccrennn and enchanted originallityworld of inventors of Harry Potter characteristics and colourfully unusably elsewhere never to be done or imitated again innovation in your mind’s brain cells individually amorous characters, are also evidently -my dearest non Homebound Holmeseys-, to be found in: funFantastic Beasts styles and props of all ages and ages for you outside the theatre curtains too.
Not curtains quite yet (Watsapp with Watson these days by the way, movie goers of Sherlocks everywherezzzZZzz)? offorwhatsthataboutownsetcetc this reviewer’s and her colleagues’ antics yet, jet setting no time for TV yeti yoga jetties out there ahoy mateys ;)
The super charming jet setting LG, AG, and and and EG surtout! Snape baby snapper cracker teeth of beauteous unusual minds of glorific glory Snape, (phewy: at least shorter sentences all on purposeinoneword or ten this time, non greasy fingers Stewy ;)) is a charming prince charmant, and also additionally, ahumm clearing my throat with lozanges goodness tasty, steals our hearts and can steel steel two ees my pocket lines anytime at the movie theatres or the corner café/diner.
Any dates yet Snappy Snap photogenic genius Snappy? Please get back to me face to face babay S for sugar not for snake nor S for Slithering Snapy Babu Baby. How’s your gene pool baby J
Dumbledore Door knobs of glory non gorky hats down to the surrounding box office and box A-X of x and non z men and women viewers for putting up with my researching As and Qs of experimental reviser’s jargon team of A teams! ;) at  the surround sound Hall J ‘/? Tick or no ticks??! ‘/?
Magimovic insidethe monvie pickmoovenpick of the month! 1stgradsProduction team at the intermiss: ahum ahum: nice to meet you all btw and; enjoyyoricecreamtreatsandco.. and NdMagie within the redvelvety feely touchy wallsys, of the huge Albert Einstein style intelligential intelli/non telly genzia -professorship type hall.
Sound, effects, are, in, preciselythat,yes,si,oui,naam,tuned perfectly with the original schoreof music and highest A for Alphas level scores all round for the professor d orchestra as he masters and ‘B.A.s’ the students of lifetime musical careers of the musicians.. whilst they strum and even happily hum along with the professors Snape and etc during the gorgeous wide time screening of this productive championship of no challenge except within the different schools of magic in the Harry film.
No drinks to order:::: excepti.eee:: during the intermission 

as the mission is non impossible for Rowling to maintain her A type repeated crowd popular productiveness and popularity teacher of creator genie never in a bottle outside the box creative plus plus plus artistic genie genius.
Hermione Mione, no whining butdiningbabyM; drinks are on you/R acting of superb acting ways next time toobemaintained and the next right or whot? ;
Weakly is a nonweavingstrength of a growingboy to ASuperman;;; and by theby not byyettune in next time for Superwoman’s review -and I don’t mean moi no sirreyy ; sugary syrup depending on the Super movie to be or not to be good or not etc:Superwoma’nsmovie looks to be A list AsupermenanwomenothejuriesSszZzJ?
Image result for images stonesImage result for images voldemortImage result for images stones
Justice viewing and reading and revising of all individual characters –within the movie industry of course of course of course- right I e: isalways good.. to salt and pepper it; depending on salesNsale e pepper of content of non-sugary content or sugary creamy whip lash content is all’ as the cases of not travelling quite yet maybe but: coma' (see whiplashnote=inpreviousREV)vine wine mmmh/?,,,
Writers convention :Vegas style missed op or not? Let’s[

Eyes open]] if you lifelike and in the following chapter of rewinding lacelike too, for my woman super actress in Superwoman womanlyornot?;@) RevVine NDdevineDIvas writers surrounding visuals and sounds next time --after th£e ___ D 3or shall we say 10ds geezwhizzes extravaganza of Philosophizing Rolling Stone Rowling Rock and Rolling Lady Rowling’s never gets ally allies at all or auld/old ye all atAll for her ladyship’s all Potter outside the box of tricks productions ;)
Image result for dates fruitImage result for trumpet rabbit alice images⇩⇨⇧

Friday, 12 May 2017

Actors' Fame and Fortune Perrogativo But: Pretty Please; No Parrot Stylification @ No More Snores All Rounds: Round 3;) ye all!

Repeated Actions of Actors' Fame and Fortune are their Perrogative and and is Yours Lovely Douglas But Please: PPleasiee; Non-Parrot Styles, No More No More Smores style bores.

Douglas O Ye gorgeous Douglaso -non glassy eyed, flexi glass MalkovichoO tooo- sorry Marlko (Marker Pen for all ye famishedfamoushEgos out there too-), are intertwined men in arms but not in eachoneanother's arms. 

In their usual famous way, they surprisingly do not much surprise us at all, in this badly and tramp-ily, non-lily like at ALL, edited in an 'all over the place and town way', non-ending, and nerver nervous breakdown for viewers, never ending ending; of a non fairly for us all, non-flowy like, fairyliquid, but non flowery, so whut but, tale like this. 

Neither the actors nor us did in fact like this at all viewers; bores and plus etc.. snores all round- in this famished for glory of a movie. 

Itsa 'called' film name: you later at the SOS Oscars awards, baba black cheap, low budget compania; errggho: 'Unlocked'. 

This name of the awards of no wars movie; everyfamous Marlborovich-which doctor (whatsapp DOC?) actor wins, of a movie production-: wrestle mania -rigging of the rink and ring a ding dink stylez- is a concoction of non-productione..

See footnote below: maybe baybe Malko, and Dougie Douglouss styles too :), can change the movie world too, with their words: WORD, pretty pleasiess: script too; twos and threes: team work pleaaseiii.

Kindly, kindly, kindly: Pretty Pleased with themselves actors, but Pleaaase; Try to Unlock your minds viewers, as you see them both Dougmach and Malglas, in this michmach of a whiplash gallore of a film! 

Whippy cream lashes for us all, after seeing this film was it a movie? -blinking away the silly times blues galores- during their filming it too -I bet! No tears, no fearsmmmh BUT: just smirfy and inlawsdirecting -(ime on their hands)- smoredom.. 

ET, etc, etc.. please phone me later ET-C -you too or bydibyes/otherwise wise'eh/a': no bedtime storiies :)- and drive me home so what drive away but beam me up first please formality first please this time 'Scotti'etc'..

'REad All About It', later on too or a hundred on AMAmiazon, in my own book story! My R.A.A. book -Dorrance notes published-, will be ReVedornotVined about by you (viewer/s) later on in summer time too I bet!? Drive in is better than the reset or rest -is better defo too-than the rest- of this movie-resting at home would have been betta si Sir and chef of all chefs: Gabrielle! 

Errggh (yawning as I ergo: i.ees all rounds the round 3 blocs;), pleasease, both respected, much mucho, -or not as the cases may be- actors’ guild Lords and Ladies of the awards juries, battle it out head to head, for whom beats whom at the pyjama party for them quick buccaneer actors too (non Pirates of Caribou stylists whiplashing -whipping your minds with close ups of the Doug and Marko actingZzz). 

This very long and quite tedious experience@ why Oooo why Doug and Malko? features mind horns true thank goodness gracious, 'Mindhorns' and bulls eyes of hornycleverdevils, but not VinRed horny eyes (see caption below), but also Nfortunately also features teachers pets of featurettes of certainty horrific, horrific, ouchies about slow scrip tings scripts!!! :Oopsie daisy, (no tings or tangs -orange crushed am I-cos no tings or tans though- apologies all in this Round3..).

Fast and Furious actions imitate the life of the Fast and Bold Film life of viewers’ recepticons.-Are ye for reels X Men?!-

Image result for images mind hornImage result for vin diesel red devil images Eye Mindhorns oreyesjustforyouforme...............................................................................................       ...................

Both filmic productions are necessary viewing materials for binning (in my humble non filmmaker's opinione), except for the money sourcing and money distributing, which are equally justice leagues behaviourprism/prisom/n going going gone phewwiees to good receptors of family incomes, at the very least (thank Goodness gracious io!).

Edited version (shorter than the last one and and short stories later by moi cestcool promis juree juries) reviews -like this Reva owl plume Rev- are often required actions to overcoming yawning frenzies of intelligential (on purpose spellcheck: not checking it here this word of words: important intelligenzia) consiglieri viewers and readers All over the World. 

Shame about the no Show of hands, in this showmanship of non-Diesel fueled, petrol shimsham shlam dunk of act of a non-VinD film of a flimflam of a movieprductn and and and:

Fin…here? Relieved I bet Right? i.e, OO! Oopsie daisyinstalments coming over yourway myway too later on :);)

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

‘Aladdin’s cave man antics at the ‘Sir Edward Prince of Princes Theatre’

Image result for aladdin broadway castImage result for prince edward theatre seating plan

Poor in riches and rags non ‘raggy’ sir Aladdin, isn’t so poor in love, as popular folk stories may have told. Owl plume tells no fibbing tales about this much anticipated and long running show; based on the ‘olyeverypopulare’ and very ‘super-duper’ and and and: colourful BUT: antiquities styliesz old style story of true love conquers it ALL.

Aladdin’s Gothic but non-Gothic -at this ‘LALA’ land setting of incorrect depiction of the much respectable, historical ‘Alaa Al Din'- look of Arabic style dress and behaviourism, is a non-novelty yet again here, and! it lacks the genuine and ethnic reality of the much loved character in history.

The show is superbly or nicely depicted (not certain about this adjective, mmmhh- grey area 'Mr. Grey') and produced; in terms of colourful costumed celebs and gorgeous dancing dancer moves. 

The problem seems to be, for certainty, with the lighting tracks. This is at the London stage guild of guilty actors knowing the lighting guy's moves oopsiesSs, and not at all on Broadway'sz broad minded mishmash of a greatness group mix of crowdsx. 

London and/or Broadway actors' and workers' objective remarks are always appreciated, and I do prefer -as always- objectivity in terms of two heads are better than !) 

The lighting tracks are are are poorly 'laxy-style pathed' and passed on 'laxzily', due to a supposedly, but trust me I saw it with my own eyes honestly and not supposing it at all, lazy and on purpose lighting team’s approach, to a very famous character in historical/semi-mythical (wink,wink) non-jargon. 

On a more 'generale' note of french critique or of Italian shmoozes, 'Shmoovies' -no shame in honestly or creativity style note-; the show, in my opinion, should be more stoically, courageously presented;i.e: in a truthfosocially, correctly and non ‘jargonly’, but boldly lit way.

By the way, my friends.. and I am here, and in this instance, in communication(s) with the peoplesSs whom I met briefly at the lighting stage side right door (who know whom I was looking at at at at at @the time, and whom I am in preference not to disclose their names (James bro and co!)). I am -and-in- referring here to the tea(fro)m the other side of town..etc, eTc, ETc, ETC ;( 

Due to a jumbled up way of thinking about traditional Arabic cultural myths, and more importantly, of mixed up thinkings and non-thinkings about their corresponding realities, certain producers lack insight on how to present the characters’ depths; especially those of Italo/Arabic descent and of individuals of old styliesx, ye friendly owliezxs, (includive of my inclusive selfies/selfless friendsies).

Yasmeena’s not Jasmine’s -by the way readers (sorry but the correct spellcheck name is: Yasmeena) thinning look on stage, should (in my humble normal eating habits preferred, especially for artists who taste the taste of food for genuine reals) be reviewed: review ReV style (in my opinion again of ‘coursies’: three light meals a day styleieszxs). 

The projective looks of the young actors' guild is lacking the ways of youthful correct influential projections; i.e.: children (young and older) of the whole wide worldiesz, are succumbing to this fad of fads of anorexic looks, more and more so, due to loving their celebs's foodies patterns in artsieszx. 

Slimness is a being and creature of habit and habits of lower sizes of fashion, and is a necessary way of life to quick showman/womenship of flow(er)y ballet like dance moves on or off stage, but is not alwaysSs in the real world of healthy eating toos, twos and threes. 

The genius generic idea of the genius genie, is always much appreciated in stories of love and marriage world over –and not just in the Arabic setting of ‘Alaa AL Din’s style marriage vows.

The much respectable, respected and personally much loved and worshiped all over the world over -peace loving- 'Alaa Al Din Pacino', does love his fun loving ladies -it seems right?- thank goodness gracious for that single ladies, but he also appreciates the genuine marriage selective style articles of Yasmeenas, sweet scent of a women Jasmins of this mingled up world of worlds: all over the place, but not in this case of the latter may be (choice and choice is preferred by men and women of choice liberty and justice conquers ‘choix-s’).

Favourite spotlighting of favoured ‘spy all about it’ parts of the show, should, I guess and know, be best judged by ye all jury of viewer AlFas, ALpHAs, non HA HA juries (united justice fronts unite; right above all right? ;)).

This review is NOT phewiesz a: ‘Circus’ book review, but somewhat, a little similar to it, critically speakinN; as, as, as:  the show -unfortunately for the non-fortune hunting humane Aladdins/easy go happy lucky in love and genuine articles moneys ‘AlPadins’, this show (repeated action here si) does lack the depth (the show I mean and obviously not the ALPAdins of this world) of the very intelligent mixed clientele of repeated multiethnical clientetes.

Show and no tell style -in theatres all over the world- shows, are a boringpoornessme; a little yawn here and not a Circus big one, wink wink ;) substitute, for the goodnessgraciousmoiioaname big players and payers of goodness gracious me good sourced out and sourced in moneys. 

Whilst the directors twiddle their thumbs about which anorexic actoractress to produce on stage, the viewers and readers may wish to wishful thinking about future deeper ‘thinkings’ of produced meanings of love withinN the onstage storyliners. 

Image result for aladdin on carpetImage result for aladdin on carpet
Image result for aladdin on carpetImage result for aladdin on carpetImage result for aladdin on carpet