- The Royal Blue, and Blue to Red Velvet Cupcake Love You SO Ribbon Albert Memorial, yet again, remembers the J.K. Genius of Lady Rowling.
- The Lady is
indeed a flowery and not too lacy ribbon of honour to us all- in the sense-
that her movietheatricalbooks and creative non jargonical wayys, I AM NOT A
ROBBOT NEITHER, daized by her daisy superactionwoman ways, -are continuously and
continually- much loved by all; including myselfo.
OTOPHOSHOPTOF VIOLA please insert photo here kiddies')
From the Chef
De Orchestrated emotionally high IQ CHEFDO, to the super wide range of instrumentals,
the Philosophers’’s genius gem stone minds -but not stony hearts- of Rowling
and teamworks of dreamworkslike team, mesmerised me at the memorial of Halls.
A rocking
your boat show boat -vegasbabylouloualmost hall of fame- within a hall of Potter
fame of learning heads and sorting hats.
One feels
obliged to be part of the moving big screen switched on banquet, at the Red
hall, whilst viewing the antics of non-antiquated potterstyle banquet hall
students of magic –and those of learners of moviemaking magic for Ana: RandaG
in libancelling my books too through future filmworks promotional antics @ J
Speciality of
effects, inside the enchanting scccrennn and enchanted originallityworld of
inventors of Harry Potter characteristics and colourfully unusably elsewhere
never to be done or imitated again innovation in your mind’s brain cells
individually amorous characters, are also evidently -my dearest non Homebound Holmeseys-,
to be found in: funFantastic Beasts styles and props of all ages and ages for you
outside the theatre curtains too.
Not curtains quite
yet (Watsapp with Watson these days by the way, movie goers of Sherlocks everywherezzzZZzz)?
offorwhatsthataboutownsetcetc this reviewer’s and her colleagues’ antics yet,
jet setting no time for TV yeti yoga jetties out there ahoy mateys ;)
The super
charming jet setting LG, AG, and and and EG surtout! Snape baby snapper cracker
teeth of beauteous unusual minds of glorific glory Snape, (phewy: at least
shorter sentences all on purposeinoneword or ten this time, non greasy fingers
Stewy ;)) is a charming prince charmant, and also additionally, ahumm clearing
my throat with lozanges goodness tasty, steals our hearts and can steel steel
two ees my pocket lines anytime at the movie theatres or the corner café/diner.
Any dates yet
Snappy Snap photogenic genius Snappy? Please get back to me face to face babay
S for sugar not for snake nor S for Slithering Snapy Babu Baby. How’s your gene
pool baby J
Door knobs of glory non gorky hats down to the surrounding box office and box
A-X of x and non z men and women viewers for putting up with my researching As
and Qs of experimental reviser’s jargon team of A teams! ;) at the surround sound Hall J ‘/? Tick or no
ticks??! ‘/?
insidethe monvie pickmoovenpick of the month! 1stgradsProduction team at the
intermiss: ahum ahum: nice to meet you all btw and; enjoyyoricecreamtreatsandco..
and NdMagie within the redvelvety feely touchy wallsys, of the huge Albert
Einstein style intelligential intelli/non telly genzia -professorship type
effects, are, in, preciselythat,yes,si,oui,naam,tuned perfectly with the
original schoreof music and highest A for Alphas level scores all round for the
professor d orchestra as he masters and ‘B.A.s’ the students of lifetime
musical careers of the musicians.. whilst they strum and even happily hum along
with the professors Snape and etc during the gorgeous wide time screening of
this productive championship of no challenge except within the different schools
of magic in the Harry film.
No drinks to
order:::: excepti.eee:: during the intermission
as the mission is non
impossible for Rowling to maintain her A type repeated crowd popular
productiveness and popularity teacher of creator genie never in a bottle
outside the box creative plus plus plus artistic genie genius.
Mione, no whining butdiningbabyM; drinks are on you/R acting of superb acting
ways next time toobemaintained and the next right or whot? ;
Weakly is a
nonweavingstrength of a growingboy to ASuperman;;; and by theby not byyettune
in next time for Superwoman’s review -and I don’t mean moi no sirreyy ; sugary syrup
depending on the Super movie to be or not to be good or not etc:Superwoma’nsmovie
looks to be A list AsupermenanwomenothejuriesSszZzJ?
viewing and reading and revising of all individual characters –within the movie
industry of course of course of course- right I e: isalways good.. to salt and
pepper it; depending on salesNsale e pepper of content of non-sugary content or
sugary creamy whip lash content is all’ as the cases of not travelling quite
yet maybe but: coma' (see whiplashnote=inpreviousREV)vine wine mmmh/?,,,
convention :Vegas style missed op or not? Let’s[
Eyes open]]
if you lifelike and in the following chapter of rewinding lacelike too, for my
woman super actress in Superwoman womanlyornot?;@) RevVine NDdevineDIvas writers
surrounding visuals and sounds next time --after th£e ___ D 3or shall we say
10ds geezwhizzes extravaganza of Philosophizing Rolling Stone Rowling Rock and
Rolling Lady Rowling’s never gets ally allies at all or auld/old ye all atAll
for her ladyship’s all Potter outside the box of tricks productions ;)
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