Sunday, 21 May 2017

Please Kindly See seesaw title belowserowarmthtemperature not Zero?/

An Americano in Parmigianino Parigi
NO OFFENCE at all except to the very one way colourful but one sided story told at the theatre of Dominion. The Dominion of a few on stage is just as unjust as the dominion of a few or many outside the living theatre doors.
Door 1: the dormant script of an American in Paris is not so dormant after all, but buoyant with the dance routines and musicals jigs and wiggly wigs of non wigged beautiful actresses and gorgeous Wickwedstyle theatreshowactors’ goals gal ores all: you scored big timethis find menewthis terminologygoersplzx( time Americano Parmigiano-noiffencioKwallashuwallakeewallameen?
Doors2 and 3 not the above dormant mouse in Aliceat ALL: NO attachment of number 2 to number 3 in terms of either the scores of musical numberettes or in terms of the script development; although the story smoothly slides towards a very happy loving skyending. O joy of joys in a very sincerely fair way to the fairly chosen actors regardless of background, lineage or choice of dress gowns.
Door Speak4ing of Costumes dressy or not as the cases of aces to the designers maybe: artistic geniuses for lack of a better synonym should be by all aces recognised truly yours again meaningmemeansgoodnessallroundthemiceocklockio

OwlPlumesnotessaved here ‘@)

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