Repeated Actions of Actors' Fame and Fortune are their Perrogative and and is Yours Lovely
Douglas But Please: PPleasiee; Non-Parrot Styles, No More No More Smores style bores.
Douglas O Ye gorgeous Douglaso -non glassy eyed, flexi glass MalkovichoO tooo- sorry Marlko (Marker Pen for
all ye famishedfamoushEgos out there too-), are intertwined men in arms but not in eachoneanother's arms.
In their usual famous way, they surprisingly do not much surprise us at all, in this badly and tramp-ily, non-lily like at ALL, edited in an 'all over the place and town way', non-ending, and nerver nervous breakdown for viewers, never ending ending; of a non fairly for us all, non-flowy like, fairyliquid, but non flowery, so whut but, tale like this.
Neither the actors nor us did in fact like this at all viewers; bores and plus etc.. snores all round- in this famished for glory of a movie.
Itsa 'called' film name: you later at the SOS Oscars awards, baba black cheap, low budget
compania; errggho: 'Unlocked'.
This name of the awards of no wars movie; everyfamous
Marlborovich-which doctor (whatsapp DOC?) actor wins, of a movie production-: wrestle mania -rigging of the
rink and ring a ding dink stylez- is a concoction of non-productione..
See footnote below: maybe baybe Malko, and Dougie Douglouss styles too :), can change the movie world too, with their words: WORD, pretty pleasiess: script too; twos and threes: team work pleaaseiii.
Kindly, kindly, kindly: Pretty Pleased with themselves actors, but
Pleaaase; Try to Unlock your minds viewers, as you see them both Dougmach and
Malglas, in this michmach of a whiplash gallore of a film!
Whippy cream lashes for us all, after
seeing this film was it a movie? -blinking away the silly times blues galores- during their filming it too -I bet! No tears, no fearsmmmh BUT: just smirfy and inlawsdirecting -(ime on their hands)- smoredom..
ET, etc, etc.. please phone me later ET-C -you too or bydibyes/otherwise wise'eh/a': no bedtime storiies :)- and drive me home so what drive away but beam me up first please formality first please this time 'Scotti'etc'..
'REad All About It', later on too or a hundred on AMAmiazon, in my own book story! My R.A.A. book -Dorrance notes published-, will be ReVedornotVined about by you (viewer/s) later on in summer time too I bet!? Drive in is better than the reset or rest -is better defo too-than the rest- of this movie-resting at home would have been betta si Sir and chef of all chefs: Gabrielle!
Errggh (yawning as I ergo: i.ees all rounds the round 3 blocs;), pleasease, both respected, much mucho, -or not as the cases may be- actors’ guild Lords and
Ladies of the awards juries, battle it out head to head, for whom beats whom at
the pyjama party for them quick buccaneer actors too (non Pirates of Caribou stylists whiplashing -whipping your minds with close ups of the Doug and Marko actingZzz).
This very long and quite tedious experience@ why Oooo why Doug and Malko? features mind horns true thank goodness gracious, 'Mindhorns' and bulls eyes of hornycleverdevils, but not VinRed horny eyes (see caption below), but also Nfortunately also features teachers pets of featurettes of certainty horrific, horrific, ouchies about slow scrip tings scripts!!! :Oopsie daisy, (no tings or tangs -orange crushed am I-cos no tings or tans though- apologies all in this Round3..).
Fast and Furious actions imitate the life of the Fast and Bold Film life of viewers’ recepticons.-Are ye for reels X Men?!-
Both filmic productions are necessary viewing materials for binning (in my humble non filmmaker's opinione), except for the money sourcing and money distributing, which are equally justice leagues behaviourprism/prisom/n going going gone phewwiees to good receptors of family incomes, at the very least (thank Goodness gracious io!).
Edited version (shorter than the last one and and short stories later by moi cestcool promis juree juries) reviews -like this Reva owl plume Rev- are often required
actions to overcoming yawning frenzies of intelligential (on purpose spellcheck: not checking it here this word of words: important intelligenzia) consiglieri viewers
and readers All over the World.
Shame about the no Show of hands, in this showmanship of non-Diesel fueled, petrol shimsham shlam dunk of act of a non-VinD film of a flimflam of a movieprductn and and and:
Fin…here? Relieved I bet Right? i.e, OO! Oopsie daisyinstalments coming over yourway myway too later on :);)
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