Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Final Avenging But the Quest is On

Avengers: the final countdown -but not perhaps?

Image result for avengers fake but famous imagesImage result for avengers fake but famous images

                Story wise; the movie is reminiscent of the others but with less avenging and more questing.

Although there are still two teams of good vs evil, the plot does take another turn in that it has an adventure involving a treasure hunt so to speak.

The hunt is for a circle of crystals to be complete.

The crystals are soul to wise seeing powers for any one owning them, and so the hunting starts as well as the fighting between the good old superheroes and the other team of robotic creatures slash organic monsters.

In terms of the setting, the production takes us from glorious volcanic to angelic heights of sky high scenes. From red to orange to yellow and blue white, we then portal into other realms where the fighting continues.

Editing and production are very subtle and yet obvious, in that we jump from place to place and from book scene to attic scene to external shots -mentioned above.

Camera work aids with the expansion of special effects, as we boom in and sound away and upside down and inside out and closer to the characters slashing it out amongst their heroic selves.

Spider and hulk, green, red and blue, to iron fists of glory, to the magician of strange behaviour and the elevation of transformative shots; this movie slides and slithers from scene to scene.

The silver versus fiery red swords of Star Wars (type) weapons clash, and find their way towards the ending for the characters.

And so it transpires, that transfiguration in this production, is not just the changing of beings from humans to heroes, through their weapons and bodies too; it is also a transformation of shots from white to colourful flashes, to heroic lighting and lightening as well.

The ‘lightening’ is evident my dears with the surprise ending, which happily isn’t a surprise at all. 
Image result for avengers fake but famous imagesImage result for avengers fake but famous images

The trees win and so does Nature. 

The ‘crystal path’ of Nature wins the quest at the end, and not -as it happens- the devilish nature of the fake tree, nor the fake but famous others -within- the film.

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