Sunday, 13 May 2018

'G' for who 'Gnomes' who did it/

Image result for garden frog

From the animated characters of the Leon movie at Cine Lum, to the hybrids of Sherlock Gnomes -who know no bounds, we scan the screen together, and set our viewing sights on ogre and goblin alike. From midget to garden elf, we also set our sights on the theft of the stolen or missing golden treasures in both above named films.
The missing golden apple turns into the quest for the lost gnomes in the Sherlock animation movie.
Holmes protects his home and people. He follows the clues of jocker cards left to him by M for call for Moriarty. The Murder in this case is not a killing at all, except for it being a stealing of lives -perhaps…
We indeed worry about the possibility of the gnomes being killed, lost or M for murdered!!
The games are afoot, in the sense that the missing garden dwarves long to be back home -safe and sound- before night falls -in one manor or another.
The gargoyles are a mix of hybrid clay and moving characters, on the big screen, as they kidnap and fly all over town and bridge.
The clues lead us from enchanted portal to portal, and from caption to caption, in black and white cards of symbolism, in order to chase, and to finally join the clues into one colourful puzzle.
The hunt leads us into the magical worlds of china dolls and cat like singers of jazz, as well as to the art galleries and museums -natural history style mainly.
Who knew that the: ‘‘guess who is coming to dinner culprits’’ would be the gargoyles but actually and in actual fact the M for Watson bad guy.. Or is it M for Moriarty after all?
Moriarty looks strangely unfamiliar in this production, but Watson looks as familiar as Sherlock does.
The Holmes characters are interestingly honey ‘homey’ -ranging from the garden gnomes to the dancing Romeo and Juliet in the story.
Poetry in motion and in musical colour too…

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