Les Quatres Saisons de
At the Cine, we start with the story teller and his team of
kings and queens.
The Princess is with the Ourson, and the Herisson is with
the golden apple, mais pas toujours.
In other words, the team remains the same, but the story is
different every season. The only common element is the love between the princess
and her bow, as well as the power of the golden apple. It may fall into the
wrong hands: behold!
The four stories take turns into woods and forests and
planes and streams, and the well remains well hidden, except for in a few
The bad guy is the same one more or less…Guess who?
This movie is an epidemic of puppet fun and frolicking clay
like characters, who move colourfully from place to scene, remaining close to
the good old Witchcraft of the apples, and to the witch of the good old deep
rooted tree.
The cabin in the woods is one of my favourite kitchens of
dialogue and of musical mixed scores.
The hunt for the resolution of each fable, ranges from the
poisoned apple like the one in snow white, to the stream of exploding peas, to
the search for the unicorn, and finally to the need for story telling in every
The king may be careful with his money but is more keen on
The trail does not end with snow white or with the beast
prince -in the four stories, it ends with the apple of love between the two
youngsters and with the protection offered by the apple’s crunchy coating and
hard interior.
From snow to spring, to the tale of ETE, it is in Autumn
that the witchcraft takes a twisting turn towards the atmosphere of Hallows Eve.
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