Tuesday 8 August 2023

The Ride

Straw pirates 

Strong as they  are are they really to overcome a few hitches here and thrrr as they hike across the highways from airport scene to China town,

A meshed film of musical stages and filmic talents in a few great shots of booths and Asia diners.

A tang of cool as they highlight their adventure with a few office trips and good larks and sparks,

A proportion of portions and potions of tapas rice bowls and chicken sweet,

No sour smiles throughout! 

Read the scrolls of magic for a complimentary if you like! 

A crimson hand fighting crime underworld style set in Asia land, 

Fast moving with a few backdrops of restaurants here and there, chats and plans plots and denouements finds and charts and story magics.


Caravana Pop,

Monday 7 August 2023

Bond s from Russia with

 Venice beach 

A setting of wild sands and clear low waters, lower still into Venice from the pillars of Rome and under the archways awaits us an underworld of crime and spies;

A crazy mission of time codes encrypted crypts abc stones as well as smogs and smokes.

A wild ride in an underworld of Arabia and Russia through murky muddy waters of thieves and foes.

This adventure takes us from Cruise ship to sub and underwater works of run and hide to the above lines of chapels and grills t glass windows.

A church and a club setting where diamonds shimmer as well as dancing jewels

The film starts with sands and folds of golds.

A cloak of mysterious devices leading to explosive possibilities and  other elements and keys.

One great scene on a runaway train an express of ice and snow a kind of murder with a puzzle of fitted keys.

Will it end with a taming of a new device of power locked and sealed or will or? 

Watch out for a grand scene of stones and archeological diggs and Riggs, a movie rigged to perfection including a soundtrack of epic pirates Penzance proportion and crucible notes.

Vendetta and musketeers all for one and enjoy your 🥤